Forum Discussion

JJJamie's avatar
14 years ago

Synthetic full: baseline full and incrementals take forever


We had been struggling for some time with backup windows encroaching into operational hours.

One of the features we liked about BE2010 was the synthetic full feature, however it is taking an eternity to complete (approx 4 days for 700gb), we have since reverted to standard daily inc, weekly fulls - disk to disk to tape.

The jobs were created using policies as per the admin guide - is there something I am missing?  Is this a known bug?

I have had experience with commvault and netbackup and know that synthetic fulls can work very well in practise.

We are using BE2010R2 with latest hotfixes.


2 Replies

  • When talking about performance issues please quote the number of files not just the byte count as a lot fo the performance issues with things like syntehtic backup relate directly to the file count, and if you reduce teh fiel counts by splitting your selections that things can run faster