Tape Library not auto cleaning
I'm running on Backup Exec 2010 R3 and I have designated a slot as a cleaning slot and the tape only had 2 (of the 20 recommended) cleanings on it used and the drive requested a cleaning and nothing happened. I had to go to the tape drive and manually tell it to clean itself using the tape slot. The library knew which slot to use, so Backup Exec did assign it as a cleaning slot, so why did the drive not pull the tape and clean itself automatically?
Lastly, when I told the library to do a cleaning manually and not through backup exec, backup exec doesn't register the cleaning tape as having been used a 3rd time. It still registers as 2. This is a 2 drive library and drive 2 is in use finishing a backup, but drive 1 is the one that requested the cleaning. Don't see how this can affect it, but feel it might be useful info.