Forum Discussion

Ruari_Grocott's avatar
20 years ago

'The backup Exec Server has stopped' 57797 -1 min into catalog..

When doing a catalog, I'm getting this error.

the windows error reporting shows the following.

szAppname bengine.exe
szAppVer 9.1.4691.42
szModName BeCatSrv.dll
szModVer 9.1.4691.36

Anyone had this before? -It was working fine this morning, but suddently have these errors, username and pass are definatly right

Have tried restarting, and tried a different tape

Windows 2003 SP1Message was edited by:
Ruari Grocott
  • My company is running windows server 2003, and sym backup vers. 12,5 all up to date via Live update. The last month I experience that the Backup exec job engine stoppes every day, preventing the daily backup job to terminate. :-((

    Why is this? Can anyone help me...
