Unable to delete managed backup exec server from caso
I'm unable to delete managed backup exec server from caso server. I think I started to do this in wrong way because I first uninstalled the backup exec server from managed server. Now in caso server I try to delete managed server but I get error.
How I can delete managed server from caso in situation where managed backup exec server is allready uninstalled?
Does the Managed Media server appear under the Storage tab of the CASO server ? If yes, double-click on it and delete any backup jobs which are associated with this server. Post this, try re-deleting it.
Have a look @ the SQL option mentioned in this post - https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/failed-delete-media-server-central-admin-server
Similarly this should apply and would recommend to have a BEDB backup before attempting this or better still, contact support formally.