Unable to do redirected restore of virtual machine
I am testing restoring a virtual machine backed up by BE 2012 Sp4 to a ESX 5.5 host, I originally redirected to a local share on the BE server and uploaded to a datastore but got a "Failed to open disk scsi0:0: Unsupported or invalid disk type 7" error, I reviewed and found this article, https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/backup-vm-be2012. Have attempted to restore via the "To a different vCenter or ESX server" however cannot get past the "What vCenter or ESX server do you want top restore the data to?" form. Can fill in the ESX name, account but I cannot enter the virtual machine folder, I can browse but never able to select a folder, whenever I browse for a virtual machine folder whatever I select, no matter how I create the folder, I cannot take OK and hence cannot perform the restore. Any help is much appreciated.
Per the above settings, a VM named "VS-168TestRestore09012015" will be created and the .vmdk files will be present in the ATQArchive datastore.