Forum Discussion

ahurley's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Unable to restore exchange 2007 mailbox with versoin 12.5

Hi all,

I'm trying to restore a users folder in there mailbox, however when doing the restore the job gets to about 26MB of the staging process then returns the following error

Final error: 0xe00002fe - Cannot log on to MAPI with the specified credentials. Review the resource credentials for the job, and then run the job again.
Final error category: Resource Errors

However the account used is the same as the one I use for the exchange backup and I have no problems. Any suggestions??

Many Thanks
  • I am suspecting something wrong on the disk where B2D folder is going. You always had issue while staging and now when you duplicated it gives that error message. What kind of B2D disk is it, is it local or removable disk. Can you please try to duplicate the data on some other removable hard disk or other drive.

  • I have exactly the same problem as Anthony. I'm in contact with tecnical support, but no solution yet.
    We use Backup Exec 2010 with latest updates, backup (GRT-Enabled) of Exchange 2007 SP1 works fine with backup-to-disc-to-tape.
    E-mail restore from backup-to-disc works also fine, only RESTORE-FROM-TAPE fails with error 0xe00002fe.

    If I receive a solution from tecnical support, I'll post it here.

    best regards,

  • Sazz,

    I've tried using a removable hard drive for B2D, however I still get the VFF Open Failure error when trying to navigate to the backup setup. I'm wondering if it might be worth reinstalling on a fresh copy of windows to eliminate the computer itself/
  • I would like to thank everyone for your input into this problem. However I gave up in the end and recovered the folder be restoring the whole database to the RSG and then merge the mailbox.

    I am now going to install a freah copy of BackupEXEC to a new computer to see if it makes any differene. If it does I will post it here.
  • I have been experiencing this same issue with performing a restore from tape into either an RSG or user's mailbox. I've since worked around it by dpulicating to a B2D folder and restoring from there. It consumes more time but at least I can get the data I need.

