Unable to start BUE Services
I am unable to start BUE 12.5 on my Windows 2003 Server. When I try to go into the app I get the following error message: "The BackUp Exec Server system service is not responding. The service is either not running or not installed".
I ahve tried starting the service and it just sits on STARTING and does nothing else. The following sewrvices are also not running but I am guessing they are dependent on this service:
BackUp Exec Agent Browser
BackUp Exec Job Engine
Any ideas guys?
Dave, if you've played around with BE 2012, then go for it. And then it's best to just install it clean.
If not, I'd then recommend reinstalling BE 12.5 and upgrading to BE 2010 R3 with SP2. BE 2012 R2 is in beta phase and will be released sometime in the future, and it might be best to hold on for that.
Either way, installing BE 12.5 and upgrading to BE 2010 R3 must see you get copies of your Data/Catalogs folders first before doing the upgrade.
You can read some TNs about BE 2012 below, and be sure to check out the Videos section on Connect too...
http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH180232 <-- NB!!!