Forum Discussion

ltjimster's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Unknown error - e0008703

Hi guys,

Can someone shed some light on this problem please, i've got this error on a test run job;

Error category    : Job Errors
Error             : e0008703 - The test run has detected a potential problem. See the job log for details.

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-34563

Even on the actual job it fails at so long and i get this error;

Error category    : System Errors
Error             : e00084f4 - An unknown error has occurred.

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-34036

I'm running Backup Exec 2010 R3 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and backin up to Network storage boxes NOT tape drives.

I've done the usual of checking there is enough space on the box, checking i can connect to the box appears to be fine, permission and connection wise, restarted the services and because it doesnt give me much info im not sure what else to do really.

Any suggestions??




  • ...have you checked to make sure that the NAS isn't going offline, or losing the network connection at all? Have you perhaps tried to reboot the NAS and then try the backup again?


  • Hi James,

    Check below:


  • Thanks for the quick reply Craig.

    I tried backing up a few files and it backed up fine then did a test run the same files i backed up and its still doing the same thing :-( :-(, just makes me think its going to fail on the proper backup i want to do.

    I'm backing up Hyper-V servers which has been working fine until the last couple of backups and i've been getting these errors.

    It does backup so much before i get the error though.




  • What changed in the environment? Any updates done to the Hyper-V cluster servers or VMs, or BE itself?

    Have you tried to run the actual job anyway to see if you get the same error?


  • James, 

            Are you seeing anything being thrown in the event viewer just before the job failure time. You can attempt to run the job again with Debug enabled, provide me with the logs and we can try to pinpoint the issue.. 


  • nothing different as far as i am aware craig and the actual job doesnt run until saturday, shall i try and backup tonight and see if its still going to do it.

    i have just found this that seems to appear on the last 2;


    Storage device "Hyper-V (Design CAB)" reported an error on a request to write data to media.
    Error reported:
    The specified network name is no longer available.
    But i dont need to put anything back online and the permissions are ok


  • I'm writing to a Buffalo Terastation III TS-RX4.0TL/R5 but i think its the right one in the list you've posted.

    It's been working fine for ages anyway so it can't be hardware compatibility issues.




  • ...have you checked to make sure that the NAS isn't going offline, or losing the network connection at all? Have you perhaps tried to reboot the NAS and then try the backup again?


  • i've had a look in the logs and there wasnt anything that stood out on the date it tried backing up.

    I'll have a look to see if there is a sleep mode on it or something.

    I have rebooted the NAS already but i havent tried running a full backup yet, i'll rebooting it again and check for the sleep mode as well and run it tonight.



  • I think that appeared to have sorted the problem Craig,

    I restarted the NAS again checked it was all online and re-entered the hyper-V's i had added before and it went through ok this time.

    Im not sure if doing a backup of just some random files before hand to get a successful job was part of it as well.

