unnecessarily tapemovement
Today i was watching a tape backup job.
It started really well. but after 27GB it didn't show any progress. it looked stuck at loading media.
checked the tapelibary. and it was actualy moving the tape from drive back to slot. and from slot back to drive.
the backup continues. everybody happy. however a few minutes later (around 60GB) the same thing happens.
and 130GB again. the job is around 9TB.....
When thinking about this. there is only one explaination that comes to my mind. the sizes are the volumes (used space) inside the server starting by the smallest.
however it didn't make sense to continue move the tape.
Some information
the tapelibary is an HPE MSL3040 withe 2 partitions, and 2 tapedrives. (LTO7 and LTO9)
the job above is using the LTO9 drive. However it looks like the LTO7 does the same.
Both jobs i checked are Agent jobs (They are the one currently running) and i didn't check the Hyper-V jobs.