Forum Discussion

Torsten1's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Update Rollup 8 Exchange 2010 Sp1 ?

Auf dem Backup Server Win 2008 R2 Datacenter Backup Exec Version 2012 Rev. 1798 bekomme ich das Update Rollup 8 für Exchange Server 2010 SP1 (KB2787763) angezeigt.

Muss ich das installieren und wofür soll das gut sein?

Wir setzen zwar einen Exchange Server 2010 ein, der auch mit BE gesichert wird, aber nicht auf dieser Maschine.




  • Hi


    The update is available on Media server because you would have installed Exchange Management tool for Exchange 2010 on Media server so it is showing you these update. So if you are going to update this on Media server ensure your exchange server is updates with these updates first as ese.dll version on exchange server and Media server has to be same.


    Hope that helps


  • Hi


    What exactly you are looking for , Are you looking for information on how or what issue are resolved in Roll up 8 for Exchange 2010 then you should look for the link below



  • Warum wird mir das Update auf einem Backup Exec Server angeboten wo kein Exchange installiert ist?

    Ich dachte vielleicht hat es etwas mit dem Backup Exec Agent zu tun???

  • Hi


    The update is available on Media server because you would have installed Exchange Management tool for Exchange 2010 on Media server so it is showing you these update. So if you are going to update this on Media server ensure your exchange server is updates with these updates first as ese.dll version on exchange server and Media server has to be same.


    Hope that helps
