Forum Discussion

Shahin's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Upgrade question Hardware



We want to upgrade to BE 15 and we have a Dell PowerVault 124T  Library.

I did go throuw the hardware SCL of BE 15 I can see LTO-5 FH But not LTO-5 Ultrium

is this means our library is not compatible with BE 15?

This is the property of my drive:




  • Ultrium is the type of drive, don't worry about that. It is supported. FH = Full Height in the PowerVault chassis.


  • Ultrium is the type of drive, don't worry about that. It is supported. FH = Full Height in the PowerVault chassis.


  • CraigV is correct -  but to give more info -  if you can open the ADAMM log on your server you can find the inquiry strings and compare these with the HCL (yes HCL, not SCL) to give a more accurate identification



  • This is what I see in the log


    0007:0000:0004:0000  Device Name             "\\.\Tape0"
                         Secondary Name          "\\?\scsi#sequential&ven_quantum&prod_ultrium_5#5&2f697f01&0&000400#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}"
                         Primary Inquiry         "QUANTUM ULTRIUM 5       3210"
                         Serial Number           "QUANTUM ULTRIUM 5       HUJ5213TP6"
                         Device Flags            UMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
                         Device State            3, Online

                         Device IDs              1013, {1EA007AE-5C8B-4779-9D9F-07619EBB7AE7}
                         Device Name             "QUANTUM 0002"
                         Device Type             134283265, "LTO 64K (64K,10,0,E,HU)"
                         Device Features         0x005BFA7F: PB,SFB,SRB,WFM,SFF,SRM,PEOD,EL,LU,E,SBS,DC,SDC,TA,HU,RR,W,EN
                         Device Element          1014, 0
                         Device Block Limits     512 min, 1048576 max
                         Device Hard Errors      0 write, 0 read
                         Device Soft Errors      6 write, 2 read

    0007:0000:0004:0001  Device Name             "\\.\MediumChanger1"
                         Secondary Name          "\\.\Changer0"
                         Primary Inquiry         "DELL    PV-124T         0091"
                         Secondary Inquiry       "DELL    PV-124T         0091"
                         Serial Number           "DELL    PV-124T         CJ5FH70110"
                         Device Flags            UMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 0), SN(ELEMENT)
                         Device State            3, Online

                         Device IDs              1014, {3BC6DEDA-DAEC-43E9-BFDD-52A355BA35D2}
                         Device Name             "DELL 0002"
                         Device Type             2131755008, "CHANGER FS=1"
                         Device Features         0x00006000: RMP,RRD
                         1st Slot Number         1
                         Number Of Slots         16
                         Portal Slots            0
                         Import/Export           Manual

                         Drive Element 0         1013, "QUANTUM ULTRIUM 5       HUJ5213TP6"

  • The HCL seems to show thatt is OK the drive is listed on it's own and in a PV124T (against SAS connectivity, I am not 100% sure but I think SCSI might be seen in the ADAMM log even if the physical connection is SAS)