Forum Discussion

Charlie999's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Using Backup Exec to backup Oracle Database


I've never used Backup Exec and I Iwould like to know if Backup Exec can answer my requests before to decide to use it for our customers.


We install our application at our customers, the application use an Oracle database

- The size of database can vary from 30GB to 600GB

- The database is install in a Windows server 2003,2008 or 2012

- The objectif is to backup the Oracle Database running on the server

- Only 1 database to backup (for each installation)

- The backup destination will be a shared network directory

- 1 full backup per day



- Backup Exec + Agent should install on the same server

- Backup should run automatically once a day.



- In case when the server crashes, does it easy to restore the database in the other server ?

- Does Backup Exec uses RMAN to do the Oracle database backup ?

- Does the backup set can be used by RMAN ?

- Does it common to install Backup Exec on the same server ? what is your recommandations ?







  • You may need to run an "inventory" and a "catalog" to identify the backup sets.

    It is not mandatory for the new server to have the same name as that of the old server.

    And yes, you can redirect the Oracle backup sets to another server if the original one crashes. The above mentioned KB ( TECH60371 )'s instructions are specific to the older versions of BE. The steps are slightly different in the newer versions due to the UI changes. You can find the instructions in the Admin Guide for BE 15.

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry, I need some clarification in your answer 1:

    Does the Article. TECH603 is applied also for Backup Exec 15, because I don't see the option mentionned from the step 10th.

    In my situation, I've setup a new server then create a new database and install a new Backup Exec.

    Does this Backup Exec in the new server can reads the backup set of the old server without any manipulations ?

    Do I need to set the name of the new server as the old server ?






  • Hi,


    1. BE will redirect Oracle DBs. See below:

    2. Read the document below with regards to RMAN:

    3. Maybe, depending on whether or not Backup Exec has the RMAN output on the Active File Exclusion list. If this is the case, then you need to disable AFE so that BE can get access to the file during backups. If not, then enable Advanced Open File Option and run the BE job at a time that doesn't conflict with the RMAN backup.

    4. No hassles doing this at all. You don't necessarily have to have a dedicated media server, and in some cases, having BE locally on the server connecting to a tape device for instance should run faster than backing the same server up across the LAN.
