Forum Discussion

e3media's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 Rev. 4691 service pack downloads?

Hi all

We have a number of different versions of Backup Exec running in our office, but it is primarily Version 9.1 Rev 4691. As far as I can tell, no hotfixes or service packs have been applied to these systems. Having worked with this version for a long time now it occurred to me the other day that there are probably plenty of updates that can be applied, which would help in solving issues that the program seems to have.

However, neither the Veritas Update link on the menu or indeed any of the links from the Symantec site seem to work.

I know that this software is now years old and is no longer supported by Symantec. However, given the extremely high cost of upgrading to the latest and greatest version, this is what I have to work with.
So, where can I download these updates / service packs please?

The following links:

suggests easy downloads for the files that I want. However none of the links work!

Sort it out Symantec, I know you have those files somewhere.


  • Archie,

    Through the assistance of a colleague, I have managed to make a copy of Service Pack 5 available at the link below, which is last 'rollup' pack released for v9.1.4691.

    Please be aware that this will be available for a very short time only and may not be there tomorrow, so would advise that you download this and keep a copy for future reference.

    As you have mentioned, this product version is now quite old and is not supported. This has contributed to the previous Service Packs, Hotfixes and Technotes not being publicly available any more.

    If this is a solution to your issue, please mark it as such.
  • Hello,

    All in one download link, Select the BE version and go ahead:

    Hope this helps...
  • Archie,

    Contrary to DevT's comments, the download link provided (and also included in your entry) does not have a copy of the Backup Exec v9.1.4691 Service Packs, although there are a few final Hotfixes. I believe these Service Packs should still be available on the site and am currently investigating why they are not. If there is a valid reason for this, besides the fact the product is now out of Support, it should be possible to make the last Service Pack available from an FTP site for you to download.

    Please bear with us in the meantime and I will provide an update as soon as I can.
  • Archie,

    Through the assistance of a colleague, I have managed to make a copy of Service Pack 5 available at the link below, which is last 'rollup' pack released for v9.1.4691.

    Please be aware that this will be available for a very short time only and may not be there tomorrow, so would advise that you download this and keep a copy for future reference.

    As you have mentioned, this product version is now quite old and is not supported. This has contributed to the previous Service Packs, Hotfixes and Technotes not being publicly available any more.

    If this is a solution to your issue, please mark it as such.
  • Yep thats the service pack I was after.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Through the assistance of a colleague, I have managed to make a copy of Service Pack 5 available at the link below, which is last 'rollup' pack released for v9.1.4691.


    this is the page pointed to by the Downloads page, which also still has SPs for v9.0 available (tho why anyone would not upgrade to v9.1 rather than apply SP1 is beyond me
  • Long time BackUp Exec user, first time caller.  (I go back to the DOS days.)  I have lost the downloaded install files for 9.1.  Somehow the installation folders of 9.0 and 9.1 on my server are confused and contaminated and I need to reinstall from scratch. I've got my .msi file from the 9.1 install years ago but it appears that the setup files that went with it are gone.  Trying the Repair option gets halfway done and then it craps out because an entry is missing in the file.

    Is there anyway in the world I can get access to 9.1 install files?  Can Symantec post it like you did for the SP5 file?  Or can Symantec or a user help by sending the files to me?

