VM servers automatically listed as individual servers
I have a vCenter server backup completing successfully with several Windows VMs with GRT enabled, but when the backup runs the VMs are "discovered" and automatically added to the list of servers in BackupExec. Their status is shown as "never backed up." This is confusing at best. I tried removing the servers from the list but they are rediscovered at the next backup.
Also, when I select the vCenter server and start a restore, the only option I am presented with is VMware data. There is no option to select granular data.
My question is, could this be a problem with BackupExec 2012, or with my configuration of it, or am I just misunderstanding how it's supposed to work?
There is a bug in the product. The individual servers with agent installed do get listed, but perhaps because they have "never backed up" status, the restore button or menu option is not enabled and there's no way to initiate a granular restore.
With Symantec tech support I learned the workaround of doing a small partial backup of each of the individual VMs through the windows agent to enable the restore button.