Forum Discussion

Backup_Admin2's avatar
11 years ago

Web- based Management on Backup Exec


Does Backup Exec support, Web-based Management that enable control multiple servers from single interface.


  • OK a web based monitoring servcie for Backup Exec can be provided by Storage Online


    However this is NOT an admin console it is a reporting and monitoring solution provided by a 3rd party


    We do not have an admin console that is web based.

    If you need proof of this try and find a chapter that mentions it in the Administrators Guide as if it existed it would have it's own section covering installation and use. Feel free to fill in an Idea (instead of a forum post)within this connect website for us to consider as an Enhancement.

  • Hi,


    Not web-based, but Backup Exec has the Remote Console you can look into. It's a free installation, and it will allow you to connect to multiple servers (only individually though!) to manage them.

    The other option from Symantec is the CASO option (CASO in BE 2010 R3 and back; CAS licensed through Enterprise Server Option in BE 2012) which will provide a single pane of glass from which to manage your environment.

    for a web-based monitoring application I used Solarwinds Backup Profiler which worked like a charm! Used mainly for reporting purposes, but it integrates into BE very nicely, and provides a lot of information!

    Read my articles below on the RC and CAS...



  • Thanks for your prompt response.

    Actually We are a partner for Symantec another partner specify that backup exec is support Web-based administration. need any document that or offecial link that backup exec 2012 is not supported Web-Based Administration.

    Really apprecaited.


  • might want to PM Colin Weaver. He mentioned a company in a thread a couple of days ago that offers something like this from what I can remember. Can't find the link to that forum topic though.

    From a SYmantec perspective, there is nothing that can do what you want it too, and it definitely isn't in BE 2012. An older version had a web-based admin console but this was removed.


  • Check Pt # 8 of this KB -

    Additional items removed from this release include:
    Execview, ServerFree Option, Backup Exec Web Administration Console (BEWAC), NT 4.0 Support,* Exchange 5.5 Support, Domino R5 Support, Oracle 8i Support.
  • OK a web based monitoring servcie for Backup Exec can be provided by Storage Online


    However this is NOT an admin console it is a reporting and monitoring solution provided by a 3rd party


    We do not have an admin console that is web based.

    If you need proof of this try and find a chapter that mentions it in the Administrators Guide as if it existed it would have it's own section covering installation and use. Feel free to fill in an Idea (instead of a forum post)within this connect website for us to consider as an Enhancement.

  • Awesome thanks Colin! Forgot what it was but remembered you'd mentioned it smiley
