Forum Discussion

  • DLO (Desktop Laptop Option) is a file by file product that is designed to protect end user data using both a local storage cache within the workstation or laptop and a network share. It is NOT designed to provide a full DR of the workstation or laptop operating system. It does use a Client Server architecture in that a server controls the data retention and user settings distribution and DLO also does need Active Directory to maintain the user control and access.

    SSR (Symantec System Recovery) is a volume based block level product that protects everything on the system from a locally installed client (usually using USB disk as a target for the backups). Whilst some management can be done with a centralized server, it does not require this to function and does not need Active Directory. Also unlike DLO you can do a full DR recovery by booting off a DVD to restore.


    Both these products have their own forums and are not part of Backup Exec (any longer)

  • Thank you for your excellent clear reply, Collin

    I was just wondering, if i have 40 desktops in 40 different locations; I have a harddrive attached to each of these 40 desktops in their respective locations and i want to take a backup of the EVERYTHING on these desktops separately on the HDD connected to them, is it possible with the DLO?

    Sorry, but i am really new to these products and anything related to backups;

  • No. DLO cannot backup everything on the disks. It can only backup the user's files and folders. To backup everything, you need to use SSR
  • Also DLO can't really use USB disk as the local storage cache is defined in the server based profile and would have to be on a guaranteed fixed drive letter that is always connected. Any change in drive letter or the DLO client trying to start with the drive not even connected would cause a problem to DLO.