Wildly inaccurate Size Reported for Backup Sets
I've run into a problem since upgrading BUE from 2014 to 15. BUE is reporting wildly inaccurate backup set sizes for at least on backed up resource. The resource in question runs a full backup every six months with daily incremental backups in-between. The full-backups for the resource are 5-6TB in size and are reported as 7-32GB in size in the "Backup Sets" tab of the storage device details. When drilling down to the "Details" of the backup sets the backup sizes appear correct in the "Contents" tab but incorrect in the "Properties" tab. The backups were successful and restores against the backup sets have been tested. All of the test restores were well above the reported size of the backup set(s). I am running BUE v14.2.1180.1673. Any suggestions?
OK then it must be cosmetic. Check the Known Issues section and if your issue is listed there, vote it up. But log a call in the meantime with Veritas.