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infinitiguy's avatar
14 years ago

2 node VCS cluster upgrade help


Hi guys,

I'm in a nice position to upgrade a VCS cluster before it makes its way into production.  The cluster is installed on rhel5.3 5.0.3 MP3 and I'd like to upgrade it to 5.1_SP1.

Glancing through the upgrade guide, it doesn't look like I'd be able to do an online upgrade with 2 nodes?  Other posts (my own) advise that veritas doesn't work when the versions differ, and as soon as one node is upgraded... my versions would differ.  Is there any way to do an online upgrade?  If not - that's cool, just looking for confirmation :)

Second..  the upgrade guide says stop the application agents and resources (my second indication that an online upgrade can't be done).

For syntax.. I've never used these commands before.  For hares is it looking for the service group?

hares -offline Service_Group_Name -sys hostnameofmachinerunninggroup  (I'd imagine this wouldn't work on the standby host).

For haagent is it looking for the below 4 agents?  and then repeat the same on the 2nd host?

haagent -stop NICAgent -sys hostname1

haagent -stop StorageAgent -sys hostname1

haagent -stop IPAgent -sys hostname1

haagent -stop ApplicationAgent -sys hostname1

[root@linopstfg01 ~]# ps -ef | grep Agent

root      4013     1  0 Mar23 ?        00:00:41 /opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpal -aStorageAgent-x
root      7367     1  0 Mar23 ?        00:00:28 /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/NIC/NICAgent -type NIC
root     15556 15312  0 17:01 pts/4    00:00:00 grep Agent
root     23268     1  0 Mar24 ?        00:00:08 /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/IP/IPAgent-type IP
root     23728     1  0 Mar24 ?        00:00:09 /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Application/ApplicationAgent-type Application


I'm pulling these instructions from   page 234


Is the above correct?  Do I have anything wrong?  


To prepare to upgrade to VCS 5.1 from VCS 4.x
1 Remove deprecated resources and modify attributes. The installer program
can erase obsolete types and resources can be erased from the system or you
can manually remove them.
See “Manually removing deprecated resource types and modifying attributes”
on page 365.
2 Stop the application agents that are installed on the VxVM disk (for example
the NBU agent).
Perform the following steps to stop the application agents:
■ Take the resources offline on all systems that you want to upgrade.
# hares -offline resname -sys sysname
Chapter 18■ Stop the application agents that are installed on VxVM disk on all the
# haagent -stop agentname -sys sysname
■ Ensure that the agent processes are not running.
# ps -ef | grep Agent
This command does not list any processes in the VxVM installation
  • Hello,

    GAB & fencing will not be shutdown by running hastop command. The reason I suggested you to shutdown Fencing & GAB on node B was following:

    -- lets say you ran an installer on node B, (it should anyways shutdown vxfen & Gab) but still safer to do with our own hands. installer will need to upgrade these components as well, so Gab & Vxfen will be upgraded to 5.1 now once node B is ready to take up services after upgrade, it will not join even Gab membership with node A since there is a version difference now moreover you have active node A accessing disks at this point. I hope you get what I am trying to say here..

    so to overcome, on node B, shutdown Fencing & Gab (/etc/init.d/vxfen stop &  /etc/init.d/gab stop). This will stop the vxfen & Gab. now you can go ahead & run the upgrade so that both these components are upgraded to 5.1.

    Later on node A, you should repeat the same procedure as there also you need to upgrade both of these components in order to join memberships with node B.

    Hope its clear..

