13 years agoLevel 3
agent is not able to control oracle database
Dear All,
I am working on 5.1sp1rp2.
On my platform there is a oracle 11g2.
vcs is not able to control oracle.
for example when I try to offline the database (which is started up manually)
in engine_a log it says;
2000/01/13 11:07:13 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hares -offline qipdb impdneilab1 from ::ffff: 2000/01/13 11:07:13 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource qipdb (Owner: Unspecified, Group: ClusterService) on System impdneilab1 2000/01/13 11:07:14 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13064 (impdneilab1) Agent is calling clean for resource(qipdb) because the resource is up even after offline completed. 2000/01/13 11:07:15 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13069 (impdneilab1) Resource(qipdb) - clean failed. 2000/01/13 11:08:15 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13077 (impdneilab1) Agent is unable to offline resource(qipdb). Administrative intervention may be required.
in oracle_a log it says;
2000/01/13 10:43:27 VCS NOTICE V-16-20002-210 Oracle:qipdb:monitor:Setting cookie for proc = ora_lgwr_qipdb, PID = /proc/13893/psinfo 2000/01/13 10:43:27 VCS NOTICE V-16-20002-210 Oracle:qipdb:monitor:Setting cookie for proc = ora_dbw0_qipdb, PID = /proc/13885/psinfo 2000/01/13 10:43:27 VCS NOTICE V-16-20002-210 Oracle:qipdb:monitor:Setting cookie for proc = ora_pmon_qipdb, PID = /proc/13867/psinfo 2000/01/13 10:43:27 VCS NOTICE V-16-20002-210 Oracle:qipdb:monitor:Setting cookie for proc = ora_smon_qipdb, PID = /proc/13897/psinfo 2000/01/13 11:07:14 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13064 Thread(3) Agent is calling clean for resource(qipdb) because the resource is up even after offline completed. 2000/01/13 11:07:15 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13069 Thread(3) Resource(qipdb) - clean failed. 2000/01/13 11:08:15 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13077 Thread(3) Agent is unable to offline resource(qipdb). Administrative intervention may be required.
my main.cf;
impdneilab1: cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf include "types.cf" include "ClusterConnectorConfigType.cf" include "OracleTypes.cf" cluster impdneilab ( UserNames = { admin = HQRjQLqNRmRRpZRlQO, root = dllSlkLmmHmoLi } ClusterAddress = "" Administrators = { admin, root } ) system impdneilab1 ( ) system impdneilab2 ( ) group ClusterService ( SystemList = { impdneilab1 = 0, impdneilab2 = 1 } AutoStartList = { impdneilab1, impdneilab2 } OnlineRetryLimit = 3 OnlineRetryInterval = 120 ) Application VitalQIP ( Enabled = 0 Critical = 0 StartProgram = "/etc/init.d/qip-es-ic.sh start" StopProgram = "/etc/init.d/qip-es-ic.sh stop" PidFiles = { "/opt/qip/etc/qip-dnsupdated.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-logind.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-msgd.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-qipupdated.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-rmisched.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-rmtd.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qip-ssltd.pid", "/opt/qip/etc/qipd.pid", "/opt/qip/tomcat/logs/catalina.pid", "/var/run/named.pid" } ) DiskGroup oracle_dg ( Critical = 0 DiskGroup = oracle_dg ) IPMultiNICB OAM-Logical-IP ( Critical = 0 BaseResName = OAM-MultiPath Address = "" NetMask = "" DeviceChoice = e1000g0 ) Mount oradata ( Critical = 0 MountPoint = "/oradata" BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oracle_dg/oradata" FSType = vxfs FsckOpt = "-n" ) Netlsnr oracle_listener ( Critical = 0 Owner = oracle Home = "/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0" TnsAdmin = "/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/network/admin" EnvFile = "/opt/oracle/.profile" ) Oracle qipdb ( Critical = 0 Sid = qipdb Owner = oracle Home = "/opt/oracle/product/11.2.0" Pfile = "/oradata/admin/qipdb/pfile/initqipdb.ora" StartUpOpt = STARTUP EnvFile = "/opt/oracle/.profile" DetailMonitor = 1 User = cluser Pword = cluser Table = cltable MonitorOption = 1 ) Proxy OAM-Net-Proxy ( Critical = 0 TargetResName = OAM-MultiPath ) Volume oradata_vol ( Volume = oradata DiskGroup = oracle_dg ) OAM-Logical-IP requires OAM-Net-Proxy VitalQIP requires oracle_listener VitalQIP requires qipdb oracle_listener requires OAM-Net-Proxy oradata requires oradata_vol oradata_vol requires oracle_dg qipdb requires oradata // resource dependency tree // // group ClusterService // { // IPMultiNICB OAM-Logical-IP // { // Proxy OAM-Net-Proxy // } // Application VitalQIP // { // Netlsnr oracle_listener // { // Proxy OAM-Net-Proxy // } // Oracle qipdb // { // Mount oradata // { // Volume oradata_vol // { // DiskGroup oracle_dg // } // } // } // } // } group Network ( SystemList = { impdneilab1 = 0, impdneilab2 = 1 } Parallel = 1 AutoStartList = { impdneilab1, impdneilab2 } ) MultiNICB OAM-MultiPath ( UseMpathd = 1 MpathdCommand = "/usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd -a" Device = { e1000g0 = "", nxge0 = "" } IgnoreLinkStatus = 0 DefaultRouter = "" ) Phantom Network-Phantom ( ) // resource dependency tree // // group Network // { // Phantom Network-Phantom // MultiNICB OAM-MultiPath // }
and oracletyoes.cf
impdneilab1: more /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/OracleTypes.cf type Netlsnr ( static str ContainerType = Zone static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Netlsnr" static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetInstanceName, VRTS_GetRunningServices, "tnsadmin.vfd" } static int LevelTwoMonitorFreq = 1 static str ArgList[] = { Owner, Home, TnsAdmin, Listener, EnvFile, MonScript, LsnrPwd, AgentDebug, Encoding } str Owner str Home str TnsAdmin str Listener str EnvFile str MonScript = "./bin/Netlsnr/LsnrTest.pl" str LsnrPwd boolean AgentDebug = 0 str Encoding str ContainerName ) type Oracle ( static str ContainerType = Zone static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/Oracle" static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetInstanceName, VRTS_GetRunningServices, DBRestrict, DBUndoRestrict, DBResume, DBSuspend, DBTbspBackup, "home.vfd", "owner.vfd", getid } static str ArgList[] = { Sid, Owner, Home, Pfile, StartUpOpt, ShutDownOpt, EnvFile, AutoEndBkup, DetailMonitor, User, Pword, Table, MonScript, Age ntDebug, Encoding, MonitorOption } str Sid str Owner str Home str Pfile str StartUpOpt = STARTUP_FORCE str ShutDownOpt = IMMEDIATE str EnvFile boolean AutoEndBkup = 1 int DetailMonitor str MonScript = "./bin/Oracle/SqlTest.pl" str User str Pword str Table boolean AgentDebug = 0 str Encoding int MonitorOption str ContainerName )
thanks for you help,
Hi Mike,
Thanks for commenting and advises it was not pfile.
It was about OracleTypes.cf.
Basically OracleTypes.cf in /config was different than /conf so I replaced it from /conf to /config.
Then, bringing resources online.
here is a note to "self helpers" in order to edit main.cf;
hastop -all force
gabconfig -a => see membership is gone
"do the changes"
hastart on both node
look at to engine_A.log