They want the secondary system to come up. Automaticly.
What if primary is up and running, still having all clustered applications up and running?
Have you ever seen 'split-brain'? Not pretty.
Data corruption that can only be fixed by restoring all data.
Autodisable is a protection mechanism. Understand that it is there to protect your data.
Step 1 suggests that cluster has one heartbeat only. VCS needs two heartbeats.
Please read up in VCS Admin Guide :
About communications, membership, and data protection in the cluster
See these topics:
■ About data protection
■ About I/O fencing configuration files
■ Examples of VCS operation with I/O fencing
■ About cluster membership and data protection without I/O fencing
■ Examples of VCS operation without I/O fencing
■ Summary of best practices for cluster communications
The solution here is to follow the 'best practices for cluster communications', e.g:
■ Configure multiple independent communication network links between cluster systems.
Networks should not have a single point of failure, such as a shared switch or
Ethernet card.
■ Low-priority LLT links in clusters with or without I/O fencing is recommended.
In clusters without I/O fencing, this is critical.
■ Symantec recommends at least three coordination points to configure I/O
fencing. You can use coordinator disks, CP servers, or a combination of both.
Select the smallest possible LUNs for use as coordinator disks. No more than
three coordinator disks are needed in any configuration.
(More in the manual....)