Forum Discussion

Epi4Sym's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Can Veritas cluster handles virtual OS?

My case:

I have 2 virtual Red hat 5.x where is running an Oracle instance.

The Vmware esx running version is the 3.5

I want to know if veritas cluster can run on this virtual OS and if this kind of configuration is fully supported by Symantec.

Have anybody already implemented this kind of cluster?

Any suggentions, hints, limitations?

Some best practice examples?

Where can I find some usefule documentations?





  • Hi,


    Please check my post, someone replied with more VCS related information. I'm sure this is what you wanted.


  • I created a test environment with 2 nodes cluster and the OS was on windows 2003 server R2 which worked fine. Let me share my environment details


    VCS(sfha) version = 5.0

    nodes OS = windows 2003 R2

    Virtual SAN = on Centos5.3

    SQL Server = 2005

    Vmware Server = VMware-server-installer-1.0.8-126538 

  • Hi,


    PLease check this doc


    Seems your configuration is supported. I would however log a call and triple check it. Its very vague and they've not updated this since March 2009........

  • I just read the document, but I don't know if it can help me.

    I want to know if I can install VCS 5.x on a virtual linux red hat 5.x



  • Hi,


    Page 14 has a table that lists Redhat 5 and SF 5.0 in ESX 3.5. If you're refering to the fact that its not stating VCS or SFHA, i'm sure this is an oversight because in the column before SF 5.0, it lists SFCFS (storage foundation cluster file system which is actually an even more complicated version of SFHA).


    I would still phone support. I know it frustrating, I've actually post an article asking for a decent compatibility matrix


    Sorry, we can't be of more help :(

  • I have found this document: Veritas™ Cluster Server Release Notes 5.0 MP4, Article URL

    At page 34, there are written which are the Supported operating systems, but is not clear to me if it is fully supported the fact the the linux red hat is a virtual machine.




  • I know, in theory it works, I have it running in VM on my MAC, but thats not the point. You'd want a statement that it supported on ESX 3.5/4, or you want a statement that its supported on the guest O/S, irrespective of the virtualization platform.


    I have looked and the only reference I found to any supportability statement is the doc i listed. I've not needed to phone support yet to check.....


    The funny thing is that for Windows its on the software compatibility list.


    Its really frustrating :(

  • That's the point, we are going to implement this kind of configuration, but I want to know if Symantec will officially support us in case of problem, even if the Red HAt OS is running on a virtual machine.



  • Hi,


    Please check my post, someone replied with more VCS related information. I'm sure this is what you wanted.