Disbled only databse resources in service group
we have 2 node ACTIVE-PASSIVE DB cluster, but due to h/w issue my DB active node got down; but service grp is not get fail over to another node.
We manually start SG on another node but database got in recovery mode, SG is not fully coming fully online. It’s starting DB resource & after some time it come to faulted state.
after trying to many thing, management decided that we will manually start file system & DB VIP & database & listener will start manually.
Now I want disable the only oracle & listener resource in that service grp. (steps from mine end: i set Critical attribute to 0 for DB & listener resource, but due to this my service grp going to partial state only.)
Also in future, if my server got down by any issue, then service grp automatically got switch over to another node. No manual failover.
Can u help me???