Forum Discussion

paragarw's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Error while configuring SmtpRecipients for ntfr resource

I want to configure the SmtpRecipients for ntfr resource in VCS.

Please be noted that for email ID i want to configure  for Error and Warning alerts and for i want to configure for Error. I am using below command but getting the error V-16-1-10428 Incorrect association for SmtpRecipients


# /opt/VRTS/bin/hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients "" Warning "" Error "" Error

VCS WARNING V-16-1-10428 Incorrect association for SmtpRecipients


Could you please help me with correct syntax

  • Hi Paragarw,

    You will need to do this in 2 commands.  Here are the commands that you need to do.

       hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients -add   Warning
       hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients -add   Error

    You don't need to add " twice.  The way the resource works is that it sends notifications for the level configured and any higher level notifications.  So a setting of Warning will cause Warning, Error and SevereError messages to be sent to that recipient.

    Thank you,


  • You can run in one command - your only issue as Wally says you tried to add " twice - so correct command is:

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients "" Warning "" Error


  • Hi Paragarw,

    You will need to do this in 2 commands.  Here are the commands that you need to do.

       hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients -add   Warning
       hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients -add   Error

    You don't need to add " twice.  The way the resource works is that it sends notifications for the level configured and any higher level notifications.  So a setting of Warning will cause Warning, Error and SevereError messages to be sent to that recipient.

    Thank you,


  • You can run in one command - your only issue as Wally says you tried to add " twice - so correct command is:

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients "" Warning "" Error
