i was in the situation when hares -state showed me that a resorce is online and i was unable to offline her ->hares -offline resource -sys <node> so i removed the resoure not using vcs.then i started the group with vcs control.is this right to proceed like this?
hares -state
#Resource Attribute System Value
apacheApp State test5 OFFLINE
apacheApp State test9 OFFLINE
data_dg State test5 ONLINE
data_dg State test9 OFFLINE
hares -offline data_dg -sys test5
hares -state
#Resource Attribute System Value
apacheApp State test5 OFFLINE
apacheApp State test9 OFFLINE
data_dg State test5 ONLINE
vxdg list
y enabled,cds 1550767601.11.linux-l9dq
vxdg deport y
hares -state
#Resource Attribute System Value
apacheApp State test5 OFFLINE
apacheApp State test9 OFFLINE
data_dg State test5 OFFLINE
data_dg State test9 OFFLINE
hagrp -online y -sys test5
other thing.
vol2 is active but is brrought up not by vcs.
v vol2 fsgen ENABLED 2097152 - ACTIVE - -
pl vol2-01 vol2 ENABLED 2097152 - ACTIVE - -
sd disk0-02 vol2-01 ENABLED 2097152 0 - - -
hares -state
vol2 State test5 OFFLINE
vol2 State test9 OFFLINE
hares -online vol2 -sys test5
hares -state
vol2 State test5 OFFLINE
vol2 State test9 OFFLINE
why the resource not change in online status?