As requested:
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
cluster st31bcl01 (
UserNames = { admin = chiAhcHeiDiiGqiChf }
ClusterAddress = ""
Administrators = { admin }
system st31bbl01 (
system st31bbl02 (
group ClusterService (
SystemList = { st31bbl01 = 0, st31bbl02 = 1 }
AutoStartList = { st31bbl01, st31bbl02 }
OnlineRetryLimit = 3
OnlineRetryInterval = 120
IP webip (
Device = e1000g0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""
NIC csgnic (
Device = e1000g0
webip requires csgnic
// resource dependency tree
// group ClusterService
// {
// IP webip
// {
// NIC csgnic
// }
// }
group i1025prd (
SystemList = { st31bbl01 = 0, st31bbl02 = 1 }
DiskGroup Ora_DiskGroup_Data (
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Mount Mnt_scratch (
MountPoint = "/scratch"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/scratch"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u02 (
MountPoint = "/u02"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u02"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u03 (
MountPoint = "/u03"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u03"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u04 (
MountPoint = "/u04"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u04"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u05 (
MountPoint = "/u05"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u05"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u06 (
MountPoint = "/u06"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u06"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Mount Mnt_u07 (
MountPoint = "/u07"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/u07"
FSType = vxfs
MountOpt = largefiles
FsckOpt = "-y"
Enabled = 0
Netlsnr Ora_Netlsnr (
Owner = oraprod
Home = "/u01/app/oraprod/product/10.2.0/db_1"
Listener = list1020_db1
Oracle i1025prd (
Sid = i1025prd
Owner = oraprod
Home = "/u01/app/oraprod/product/10.2.0/db_1"
Pfile = "spfile=/u01/app/oraprod/admin/i1025prd/pfile/spfilei1025prd.ora"
StartUpOpt = STARTUP
EnvFile = "/u01/app/oraprod/.profile-veritas"
Volume Vol_scratch (
Volume = scratch
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u02 (
Volume = u02
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u03 (
Volume = u03
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u04 (
Volume = u04
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u05 (
Volume = u05
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u06 (
Volume = u06
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Volume Vol_u07 (
Volume = u07
DiskGroup = oradatadg
Mnt_u02 requires i1025prd
Mnt_u03 requires i1025prd
Mnt_u04 requires i1025prd
Mnt_u05 requires i1025prd
Mnt_u06 requires i1025prd
Mnt_u07 requires i1025prd
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_scratch
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u02
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u03
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u04
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u05
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u06
Ora_DiskGroup_Data requires Vol_u07
Vol_scratch requires Mnt_scratch
Vol_u02 requires Mnt_u02
Vol_u03 requires Mnt_u03
Vol_u04 requires Mnt_u04
Vol_u05 requires Mnt_u05
Vol_u06 requires Mnt_u06
Vol_u07 requires Mnt_u07
// resource dependency tree
// group i1025prd
// {
// DiskGroup Ora_DiskGroup_Data
// {
// Volume Vol_u06
// {
// Mount Mnt_u06
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// Volume Vol_u05
// {
// Mount Mnt_u05
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// Volume Vol_u07
// {
// Mount Mnt_u07
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// Volume Vol_u02
// {
// Mount Mnt_u02
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// Volume Vol_u04
// {
// Mount Mnt_u04
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// Volume Vol_scratch
// {
// Mount Mnt_scratch
// }
// Volume Vol_u03
// {
// Mount Mnt_u03
// {
// Oracle i1025prd
// }
// }
// }
// NIC Ora_NIC
// Netlsnr Ora_Netlsnr
// }
2. extract from engine log starting from when you ran "hagrp -switch"
2011/09/19 10:59:56 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User admin fired command: hagrp -switch i1025prd st31bbl01 localclus from ::ffff:
2011/09/19 10:59:56 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10208 Initiating switch of group i1025prd from system st31bbl02 to system st31bbl01
2011/09/19 10:59:56 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource Ora_DiskGroup_Data (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) on System st31bbl02
2011/09/19 10:59:56 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource Ora_Netlsnr (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) on System st31bbl02
2011/09/19 10:59:56 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1020 (st31bbl02) DiskGroup:Ora_DiskGroup_Data:offline:The command 'vxvol -g oradatadg stopall' failed. Doing a forced stop
2011/09/19 10:59:58 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data): Output of the completed operation (offline)
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 Disk group oradatadg: Some volumes in the disk group are in use
2011/09/19 10:59:59 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13064 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data) because the resource is up even after offline completed.
2011/09/19 11:00:00 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1071 (st31bbl02) DiskGroup:Ora_DiskGroup_Data:clean:Diskgroup deport returned 31
2011/09/19 11:00:00 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data): Output of the completed operation (clean)
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 Disk group oradatadg: Some volumes in the disk group are in use
2011/09/19 11:00:00 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13069 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data) - clean failed.
2011/09/19 11:00:01 VCS INFO V-16-20002-40 (st31bbl02) Netlsnr:Ora_Netlsnr:offline:lsnrctl returned the following output
LD_LIBRARY_PATH - /usr/lib:
LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 19-SEP-2011 10:59:56
Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=st31bcl01)(PORT=1530))
The command completed successfully
2011/09/19 11:00:01 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource Ora_Netlsnr (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (VCS initiated)
2011/09/19 11:00:04 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(i1025prd) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:05 VCS WARNING V-16-20002-23 (st31bbl02) Oracle:i1025prd:clean:Oracle database i1025prd not running
2011/09/19 11:00:05 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_scratch) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:05 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(i1025prd) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource i1025prd (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:06 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_scratch) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:06 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_scratch (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:08 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u02) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:09 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u02) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:09 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u02 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:11 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u03) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:12 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u03) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:12 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u03 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:14 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u04) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:15 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u04) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:15 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u04 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:18 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u05) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:19 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u05) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:19 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u05 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:21 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u06) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:22 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u06) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:22 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u06 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:00:24 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (st31bbl02) Agent is calling clean for resource(Vol_u07) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.
2011/09/19 11:00:25 VCS INFO V-16-2-13068 (st31bbl02) Resource(Vol_u07) - clean completed successfully.
2011/09/19 11:00:25 VCS INFO V-16-1-10307 Resource Vol_u07 (Owner: unknown, Group: i1025prd) is offline on st31bbl02 (Not initiated by VCS)
2011/09/19 11:01:01 VCS ERROR V-16-2-13077 (st31bbl02) Agent is unable to offline resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data). Administrative intervention may be required.
2011/09/19 11:01:02 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1071 (st31bbl02) DiskGroup:Ora_DiskGroup_Data:clean:Diskgroup deport returned 31
2011/09/19 11:01:02 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data): Output of the completed operation (clean)
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 Disk group oradatadg: Some volumes in the disk group are in use
2011/09/19 11:02:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User admin fired command: hares -offline Mnt_u07 st31bbl02 from ::ffff:
2011/09/19 11:02:04 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1071 (st31bbl02) DiskGroup:Ora_DiskGroup_Data:clean:Diskgroup deport returned 31
2011/09/19 11:02:04 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data): Output of the completed operation (clean)
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 Disk group oradatadg: Some volumes in the disk group are in use
2011/09/19 11:03:06 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-1071 (st31bbl02) DiskGroup:Ora_DiskGroup_Data:clean:Diskgroup deport returned 31
2011/09/19 11:03:06 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (st31bbl02) Resource(Ora_DiskGroup_Data): Output of the completed operation (clean)
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 Disk group oradatadg: Some volumes in the disk group are in use
3. Output from "hastatus -sum" after failed switch.
-- System State Frozen
A st31bbl01 RUNNING 0
A st31bbl02 RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B ClusterService st31bbl01 Y N OFFLINE
B ClusterService st31bbl02 Y N ONLINE
B i1025prd st31bbl01 Y N OFFLINE
B i1025prd st31bbl02 Y N STOPPING|PARTIAL
-- Group Type Resource System
E i1025prd NIC Ora_NIC st31bbl01
E i1025prd NIC Ora_NIC st31bbl02
-- Group Type Resource System IState
G i1025prd DiskGroup Ora_DiskGroup_Data st31bbl02 W_OFFLINE_PROPAGATE