There could be couple of causes ... however most suspectful could be:
1. Do you use SFRAC within this cluster (using Oracle RAC CRS component) ? If yes, was there any heavy system load during the reboot time ? If CRS can't establish internode communication either because of heavy load OR because of network issue on heartbeats, it may initiate a panic to other nodes.
2. Do you use Symantec IOFencing ? If yes, was there any recent issues on the heartbeat links ?
Best thing I would suggest here is to look at logs & also at crashinfo. If veritas fencing had caused the issue, you might see "vxfen" module triggering the panic (you can observe the same from crash stack or crash info)
There could be other reasons as well (any unknown issue) but would suggest to check for above...
Would be worth to paste the syslog or any useful log you have from the time of crash/reboot...