Is there a way to query VCS to see if monitor timeouts are occurring?
Without attempting to parse the output of engine_A.log, is there a way to use the ha* command set to query VCS to see if monitor timeouts are occuring? We would like to be able to create an alert when monitor timeouts are occurring.
Yep, I think you can achieve that using "hamsg" command...
Check out this technote from SYmantec
From VCS users guide:
Querying log data files (LDFs)
Log data files (LDFs) contain data regarding messages written to a corresponding English language file. Typically, for each English file there is a corresponding LDF.
To display the hamsg usage list
◆ Type the following command:
# hamsg -help
To display the list of LDFs available on the current system
◆ Type the following command:
# hamsg -list
To display general LDF data
◆ Type the following command:
# hamsg -info [-path path_name] LDF
The option -path specifies where hamsg looks for the specified LDF. If not
specified, hamsg looks for files in the default directory /var/VRTSvcs/ldf.To display specific LDF data
◆ Type the following command:
# hamsg [-any] [-sev C|E|W|N|I] [-otype VCS|RES|GRP|SYS|AGT] [-oname object_name] [-msgid message_ID] [-path path_name] [-lang language] LDF
Querying VCS
-any Specifies hamsg return messages matching any of the specified query options.
-sev Specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified message severity Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, or Information.
-otype Specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified object type
■ VCS = general VCS messages
■ RES = resource
■ GRP = service group
■ SYS = system
■ AGT = agent-oname Specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified object name.
-msgid Specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified message ID.
-path Specifies where hamsg looks for the specified LDF. If not specified, hamsg looks for files in the default directory /var/VRTSvcs/ldf.
-lang Specifies the language in which to display messages. For example, the value en specifies English and "ja" specifies Japanese.Additionally you can also refer to man pages of "hamsg" command...