Need Help with VCS monitoring a process as a resource
Hey Everyone,
I have a cluster file as follows:
group BATCH-SG (
SystemList = { foo = 0, bar = 1 }
AutoStartList = { foo }
OnlineRetryLimit = 3
IP ip3-RES (
Device = bond0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""
NIC nic1-RES (
Device = bond0
ProcessOnOnly DB_Watchdog-RES (
PathName = "/app/watchdog/bin/db-watchdog-wrapper"
UserName = ezbatch
ProcessOnOnly NAS_Watchdog-RES (
PathName = "/app/watchdog/bin/nas-watchdog-wrapper"
UserName = ezbatch
requires group Cluster_Storage-SG online local firm
ip3-RES requires nic1-RES
// resource dependency tree
// group BATCH-SG
// {
// ProcessOnOnly DB_Watchdog-RES
// ProcessOnOnly NAS_Watchdog-RES
// IP ip3-RES
// {
// NIC nic1-RES
// }
// }
I'm trying to set it up so that when either of the ProcessOnOnlys die, the group dies and VCS initiates a failover. However when either of the watchdogs exit with status 100, VCS just restarts them. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Ah, just seen you have OnlineRetryLimit set on group so you need to set this to zero:
haconf -makerw hagrp -modify BATCH-SG OnlineRetryLimit 0 haconf -dump -makero
Then VCS will failover group.