Need inputs on configuring alerts to send email upon faults
I am planning to setup alerts for my application to notify users upon faults.
I understand that i need to configure a NotifierMngr resourse under ClusterService. Please answer following
questions that i have for my understanding.
1) Should I configure a new ClusterService group or use the existing one. Currently I have following resources in my existing ClusterService group.
# hagrp -resources ClusterService
Wouldnt be a risk if Notifier resource is configured in this group itself?
If i need to configure a seperate a ClusterService, could you please guide me how do i do that using command line.
2)How to do give multiple severity to a single recipient. What i mean is that if i want error, severe error and warning alerts to reach my email ID, how do i configure? is below command fine
hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients Error Warning SevereError
3) How to i give multiple email ID with their respective severity labels. Do i need to modify file and give email IDs semi colon seperated or is it possible through command line as well?
4) Are below commands to add Notifier resource OK?
haconf -makerw
hares -add ntfr NotifierMngr ClusterService
hares -modify ntfr SmtpServer mailhost
hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients Error Warning
hares -modify ntfr Enabled 1
haconf -dump -makero
5) is there anything that needs to be done apart from this.
- It goes into the ClusterService group by default. I have not tried to put it in its own group as I don't see the point. How would the risk be different if you have it in its own group as opposed to ClusterService?
- You can add multiple entries (easiest via the Java console). Other wise you'll need to use hares -modify but using a keylist / association. See the man page for details.
- Same as point 2. Rather don't edit the unless you know what you're doing.
- Yes, except for this line "hares -modify ntfr SmtpRecipients Error Warning" Refer to point 2 again.
- You might need to make sure your exchange server allows relay or what ever to enable the cluster to send the mail.
1) Should I configure a new ClusterService group or use the existing one. Currently I have following resources in my existing ClusterService group.
>>> You can use existing service group
2)How to do give multiple severity to a single recipient. What i mean is that if i want error, severe error and warning alerts to reach my email ID, how do i configure? is below command fine
>>> I ususally tried adding 1 of value, never tried adding multiple severities .. you can try adding multiple, if doesn't work, try adding 1 by 1 different severity with same email ID
hares -value ntfr SmtpRecipients Warning
3) You cannot dynamically change the attributes of the NotifierMngr agent using the hares -modify command. Changes made using this command are only effective after restarting the notifier. Refer below link
4) Looks OK
5) Hope you have taken care of dependencies, Notifier resource will depend on NIC resource