New fileshare ressource fail on the second node
Hello guys,
I need your help about a new fileshare that I create on a cluster ressource.
I created the new fileshare as the old ones already excist on the same ressource.
When I try to do a failover to the second node, the old fileshares bring online.
But the new one no, and that's make the ressource in faulted state.
I transfer the ressource to the first node, and all fileshares bring online including the new created.
Conclusion : the fileshare can brings online on the first node but fails on the second node.
I checked the configuration between the olds fileshare and this new one, and I didn't find any difference.
Can you please help me about this issue.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jimb2k,
Error 3 is path not found and error 2310 is share does not exist.
I would ignore the error 2310 as it is part of the cleanup process. If the folder did not exist or could not be found during the online entry point, then you would expect the clean entry point to not find the share on the server.
You can bring up the VMDg and MountV resource alone on the second node. Then check to see if the D:\Testshare folder is visable on that node.
If it is there, then check NTFS permissions on the folder. The folder will need to have permissions set so that the "Local System" account has at least read access to the folder. If the folder does not have this permission listed then add it to the ACL.
FYI - "Local System" is the account that HAD runs as. If you have changed the startup account that HAD is running with then you should change it back to "Local System".
Let us know if this helps.
Thank you,