Forum Discussion

joagmv's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Online config LLT interface

Recently I realized that a llt interface in a cluster is not working because the nodes are in different vlans (the interface uses broadcast conf):


Node 0:
NODE0:~ # cat /etc/llttab
set-node NODE0
set-cluster 1047
set-timer peerinact:3200
link eth2 eth-00:10:18:0b:7e:12 - ether - -
link eth3 eth-00:10:18:0b:7e:13 - ether - -
link-lowpri eth0 eth-00:14:5e:7b:08:1a - ether - -
NODE0:~ # ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:5E:7B:08:1A  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Node 1:
NODE1:~ # cat /etc/llttab
set-node NODE1
set-cluster 1047
set-timer peerinact:3200
link eth2 eth-00:0e:0c:ba:3e:ae - ether - -
link eth3 eth-00:0e:0c:ba:41:96  - ether - -
link-lowpri eth0 eth-00:14:5e:7a:aa:3c - ether - -
NODE1:~ # ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:5E:7A:AA:3C  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
I think I should configure eth0 as an UDP interface, shouldn't I?? I tried somethink like that and It seemed to work:
Node 0:
//Specifying the other node IP as the broadcast address
lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
Node 1:
//Specifying the other node IP as the broadcast address
lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
Is this correct?? What should I define in the llttab file??
  • There is a sample llttab file for LLT over UDP at


    Note also, you can't mix LLT over UDP and LLT over Ethernet - see

    So your config will look something like:


    set-node NODE0
    set-cluster 1047
    link hb-eth2-nat /dev/udp - udp 50100 - IP-on-eth2-on-node0 -
    link hb-eth3-nat /dev/udp - udp 50101 - IP-on-eth3-on-node0 -
    link-lowpri hb-eth0 /dev/udp - udp 50102 - -
    set-addr 1  hb-eth2 IP-on-eth2-on-node1
    set-addr 1  hb-eth2 IP-on-eth3-on-node1
    set-addr 1  hb-eth0
    #disable LLT broadcasts
    set-bcasthb 0
    set-arp 0

    I have just chosen 3 UDP ports at random - 50100, 50101, 50102.


  • Very helpful Mike.

    So, are the commands I executed correct?? I mean, does the command "lltconfig -l -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B" translate to


    link-lowpri hb-eth0 /dev/udp - udp 50102 - -
    set-addr 1  hb-eth0

    The main doubt I have is about the -B param...

  • The VCS install guide says:


    Use LLT over UDP in the following situations:
    ■ LLT must be used over WANs
    ■ When hardware, such as blade servers, do not support LLT over Ethernet
    LLT over UDP is slower than LLT over Ethernet. Use LLT over UDP only when the
    hardware configuration makes it necessary.
    And also says:
    The set-addr command in the /etc/llttab file is required when the broadcast
    feature of LLT is disabled, such as when LLT must cross IP routers.
    So my understanding is that if you have hardware, such as blade servers, that does not support LLT over Ethernet, then you use Broadcast feature, otherwise, for WANs when LLT must cross IP routers you disable broadcast and use specific IPs.
    So the "-B" is for broadcast address, but you have not set a broadcast address, so I am surprised your command resulting in a working config.    The broadcast address is the last arg in the llttab, so an example of lines in the llttab when using broadcast feature is:
    link link1 /dev/udp - udp 50000 -
    link link2 /dev/udp - udp 50001 -
    So if you actually put in your broadcast so ran:
    lltconfig -l -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
    then I suspect it won't work as broacast won't cross routers and by using an IP in place of broadcast address, probably means your config is not supported.


  • If i define the -B as the actual broadcast address, It doest work:


    NODE0:~ # ifconfig eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:5E:7B:08:1A  
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    NODE1:~ # ifconfig eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:5E:7A:AA:3C  
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    NODE0:/etc # lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
    NODE1:/etc # lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
    NODE0:/etc # lltstat -nvv | head
    LLT node information:
        Node                 State    Link  Status  Address
       * 0 NODE0         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:12
                                      eth3   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:13
                                      eth0   UP
         1 NODE1         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:3E:AE
                                      eth3   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:41:96
                                      eth0   DOWN    
    NODE1:/etc # lltstat -nvv | head
    LLT node information:
        Node                 State    Link  Status  Address
         0 NODE0         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:12
                                      eth3   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:13
                                      eth0   DOWN    
       * 1 NODE1         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:3E:AE
                                      eth3   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:41:96
                                      eth0   UP
    BUT, if I define the broadcast as the other IP, it works:
    NODE0:/etc # lltconfig -u eth0
    NODE0:/etc # lltconfig -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
    NODE1:~ # lltconfig -u eth0
    NODE1:~ # lltconfig -l -t eth0 -d eth0 -b udp -I -B
    NODE0:~ # lltstat -nvv | head
    LLT node information:
        Node                 State    Link  Status  Address
       * 0 NODE0         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:12
                                      eth3   UP      00:10:18:0B:7E:13
                                      eth0   UP
         1 NODE1         OPEN    
                                      eth2   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:3E:AE
                                      eth3   UP      00:0E:0C:BA:41:96
                                      eth0   UP
    So... my doubt is about taking off the low-priority interface (we do not eant to pass the others LLT interfaces to UDP or just leaving the config that (mixing llt and udp with the broadcast trick...