Forum Discussion

Velmathan's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Oracle 11G configured in VCS 3 node cluster. (oracleasm diskscan is not working)

We have created diskgroup which contains 3 volume.. One is created with filesystem and other two volume we used for ASM.

eg. datadg - diskgroup

/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/datavol - filesystem

/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/dataasm1 - asm disk (device path to configure asm disk group at DB end)

/dev/vx/dsk/datadg/dataasm2 - asm disk (device path to configure asm disk group at DB end)

DB instance - required the filesystem as well as asm disk..

DB is now running fine but oracleasm scandisks is not detecting the asm disks.. I have to give device path with this command 'oracleasm scandsisk /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/*' then only it is detecting the ASM lun...

I am not sure whether this setup is correct or not.. I want to scan the asm disks without device path. Please provide the solution.


  • oracleasm is an oracle binary, so I would suggest to raise a forum discussion in oracle forums.

    As per oracleasm man page located at

    oracleasm scandisks command should work without a device path option. Were these disks configured via command line or via using GUI ? were the permissions set correctly for the volume to be used as ASM volumes ?



  • oracleasm is an oracle binary, so I would suggest to raise a forum discussion in oracle forums.

    As per oracleasm man page located at

    oracleasm scandisks command should work without a device path option. Were these disks configured via command line or via using GUI ? were the permissions set correctly for the volume to be used as ASM volumes ?



  • We have created oracleasm disk using command line.. Permission is not the issue.. I am facing the issue with scanorder.. oracleasm scandisks by default it is looking for asm disk under /dev/VxDMP*

    We have created volumes for asm so it is not scanning under /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/*.. Any specific scan order we should use for VxVM in oracleasm configuration. ??

  • It is work for me.. by running oracleas scandisk its not detecting the asm disks and it tooks more time to scanning and finally quit without instanting the asm disk... Due to this server reboot takes time... (if chkconfig oracleasm on ) is enabled.