parameter change in spfile, is there impact on VCS?
Hi guys,
Id like to ask if there are impact in VCS should the following line is to be changed.
our dba will be performing the chenge in spfile:
alter system set CURSOR_SHARING='EXACT' scope=spfile
alter system set CURSOR_SHARING='SIMILAR' scope=spfile
I just want to be sure that there will be no impact on vcs for this change.. any inputs and ideas are much appreciated. Thanks in advance
The Oracle agent has an optional attribute called Pfile.
The manual says the following :
When using the Veritas High Availability Agent for Oracle, you can start a database instance by specifying a PFILE. If you do not specify the PFILE, the database instance starts up using the default SPFILE.
The agent attribute Pfile must specify the location of the PFILE. If your configuration uses the SPFILE, the contents of the PFILE must specify the location of the SPFILE, which must be created from the PFILE.
So, even if you had this attribute configured, VCS only needs to know where the location of the Spfile is.
Hope we all managed to put your mind at ease.