18 years agoLevel 3
Powerpath 5.1.0 compatibility with VCS 5.0
Dear All;
I am having a problem with VCS 5.0 Cluster.When ever i reboot the nodes disk groups are not imported by VXVM ;when i enter vxdisk list,it is giving the message :
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-684 IPC failure:
Configuration daemon is not accessible
I have to start the VXVM daemon manually.I have faced this problem before with Powerpath 5.0;after dongrading the powerpath version problem is resolved.
I would like to know if Powerpath 5.1.0 is compatible with VCS 5.0?
My configuration is as follows:
Server TYpe: E2900
SOlaris 10
VCS 5.0
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards;