11 years agoLevel 4
Problem with Application Agent in VCS
i just want to know why there're some problems when I'm trying to put into my cluster an Ops Center (Oracle not Netbackup).
This is the configuration
group opscenter-sg ( SystemList = { bck01a = 0, bck01b = 1 } Enabled @bck01b = 0 AutoStartList = { bck01b } OnlineRetryLimit = 2 OnlineRetryInterval = 180 ) Application opscenter_app ( StartProgram = "/opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ecadm start" StopProgram = "/opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ecadm stop -w" MonitorProcesses = { OCLISTENER } ) DiskReservation reservation_dev_sdd ( Enabled = 0 Disks = { "/dev/opscenter" } ) IP ops-app-ip ( Device = "bond0.620" Address = "" NetMask = "" ) IP ops-dmz-ip ( Device = "bond0.622" Address = "" NetMask = "" ) IP ops-ges-ip ( Device = "bond0.610" Address = "" NetMask = "" ) IP ops-int-ip ( Device = "bond0.621" Address = "" NetMask = "" ) Mount opscenter-mount ( MountPoint = "/var/opt/sun" BlockDevice = "/dev/opscenter" FSType = ext4 MountOpt = rw FsckOpt = "-y" ) Proxy proxy-bck-app-nic ( TargetResName = bck-app-nic ) Proxy proxy-bck-dmz-nic ( TargetResName = bck-dmz-nic ) Proxy proxy-bck-ges-nic ( TargetResName = bck-ges-nic ) Proxy proxy-bck-int-nic ( TargetResName = bck-int-nic ) ops-app-ip requires proxy-bck-app-nic ops-dmz-ip requires proxy-bck-dmz-nic ops-ges-ip requires proxy-bck-ges-nic ops-int-ip requires proxy-bck-int-nic opscenter-mount requires ops-app-ip opscenter-mount requires ops-dmz-ip opscenter-mount requires ops-ges-ip opscenter-mount requires ops-int-ip opscenter_app requires opscenter-mount
This is the error I get all the time and I've tried setting OnLineRetryLimit and OnlineRetryInterval with no luck I'm getting always the same error. The only one resource doesn't get online is opscenter-app, IP, Mount are working fine
Aug 20 12:10:30 bck01a AgentFramework[35393]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(4146064240) Resource(opscenter_app) - clean completed successfully. Aug 20 12:10:30 bck01a AgentFramework[35393]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13071 Thread(4146064240) Resource(opscenter_app): reached OnlineRetryLimit(0). Aug 20 12:10:32 bck01a Had[5441]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-54031 Resource opscenter_app (Owner: Unspecified, Group: opscenter-sg) is FAULTED on sys bck01a Aug 20 12:10:34 bck01a Had[5441]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group opscenter-sg is faulted on system bck01a Aug 20 12:12:53 bck01a AgentFramework[35393]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 Thread(4146064240) Agent is calling clean for resource(opscenter_app) because the resource is not up even after online completed. Aug 20 12:12:53 bck01a Had[5441]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 (bck01a) Agent is calling clean for resource(opscenter_app) because the resource is not up even after online completed. Aug 20 12:12:54 bck01a AgentFramework[35393]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(4146064240) Resource(opscenter_app) - clean completed successfully. Aug 20 12:12:54 bck01a AgentFramework[35393]: VCS ERROR V-16-2-13071 Thread(4146064240) Resource(opscenter_app): reached OnlineRetryLimit(0). Aug 20 12:12:56 bck01a Had[5441]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-54031 Resource opscenter_app (Owner: Unspecified, Group: opscenter-sg) is FAULTED on sys bck01a Aug 20 12:12:58 bck01a Had[5441]: VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group opscenter-sg is faulted on system bck01a
Thanks for your help solving this issue.
What are the exit codes set in the monitor script for opscenter_app resource ? If it is set to 0 (unsuccessful) & 1 (successful), it is incorrect, VCS doesn't understand those exit codes.
You should set 110 (successful) & 100 (unsuccessful) in monitor script.