Problem with cluster an SAP application?
Hell all,
I have four aix 6.1 vms which created by IBM P550 PowerVM. Two cluster my oracle database instance ,two cluster my sap central instance.
vcsdb: db1 db2 (database instance,virtual host name: dbv)
vcssap: ci1 ci2 (sap central instance,virtual host name:civ)
First I created basic resources for db and sap installation,such as dg,vol,mount,ip.
Then I should share some directory on civ for database instance installation, such as /sapmnt/PRD/exe /sapmnt/PRD/profile /sapmnt/PRD/global,So I configed NFS on ci1 and ci2 host,created share (/etc/exports).
Now,if virtual service is on ci1,then the share is available on ci1.If virtual service switch to ci2,then the share is available on ci2.
Then I have two questions:
1.When virtual service switch between two nodes, if should i restart nfs service?
2.after created nfs share,I added three mount resoureces to vcsdb cluster, such as civ:/sapmnt/PRD/profile civ:/sapmnt/PRD/exe civ:/sapmnt/PRD/global. But when i switch cluster to another node, the share could not mount properly,or failed. then you should restart nfs service on db1 and db2, then you can mount the share.
I hope to get any suggestion on this.
Thank you!