Forum Discussion

lelu's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago



usualy we have proxy resource defined in a group,then phantom resource defined in other group and other resources like aplication resource,so on defined in other group.

It does not matter that proxy resource is defined in other group(then the resources that use proxy) as long as this is online. 

If proxy is online any other resource can use it.

Is this true?


  • The Proxy agent monitors and mirrors the state of a resource on a local or remote system in a VCS cluster. Use this agent to reduce overheads in configurations where multiple resources point at the same physical device. For example, if multiple service groups use the same NIC, configure one service group to monitor the NIC and have Proxy resources in the other service groups to mirror the state of the NIC resource.

    • linuly's avatar
      Level 4

      If nic fail then the group with proxy resource in it will failover?

      • frankgfan's avatar

        Whether the service group with the proxy resource  fails over when the NIC fails is very much dependent on the cluster configuration.

        In most cluster configuration, when a NIC or MultiNIC is faulted, a service group failover is expected.