Forum Discussion

Laszlo_Budai's avatar
9 years ago

services not started after node reboot in VCS 5.1



we have a 4 node VCS 5.1 cluster (EngineVersion configured with I/O fencing.  2 of the nodes are for the applications and the other 2 for the DB.

Applications and the DB are configured to run only on the designated nodes.

We are testing a complete heartbeat failure by shutting down the switch. The fencing works properly and three nodes are rebooted.

We have observed a situation where 2 of the services was not started after both application nodes have rebooted. The service was in PARTIAL state.

mmsoap-rg    State                 lpdmc1p    |PARTIAL|
mmsoap-rg    State                 lpdmc2p    |OFFLINE|

smppc-rg     State                 lpdmc1p    |PARTIAL|
smppc-rg     State                 lpdmc2p    |OFFLINE|


Here it is their configuration:

group mmsoap-rg (
        SystemList = { lpdmc1p = 0, lpdmc2p = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { lpdmc1p, lpdmc2p }

        IP mmsoap-lh-res (
                Device = bond0
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        LVMLogicalVolume opt-mmsoap-lv-res (
                VolumeGroup = mmsoap-vg
                LogicalVolume = opt-mmsoap-lv

        LVMLogicalVolume var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res (
                VolumeGroup = mmsoap-vg
                LogicalVolume = var-opt-mmsoap-lv

        LVMVolumeGroup mmsoap-vg-res (
                VolumeGroup = mmsoap-vg
                EnableLVMTagging = 1

        Mount opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (
                MountOpt = "rw,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev"
                FsckOpt = "-y"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/mmsoap--vg-opt--mmsoap--lv"
                MountPoint = "/opt/mmsoap"
                FSType = ext3

        Mount var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (
                MountOpt = "rw,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev"
                FsckOpt = "-y"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/mmsoap--vg-var--opt--mmsoap--lv"
                MountPoint = "/var/opt/mmsoap"
                FSType = ext3

        NIC mmsoap-nic-res (
                Device = bond0

        SicapApplication mmsoap-app-res (
                AppUser = mmsoap

        requires group smppc-rg online global firm
        mmsoap-app-res requires mmsoap-lh-res
        mmsoap-app-res requires opt-mmsoap-mnt-res
        mmsoap-app-res requires var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res
        mmsoap-lh-res requires mmsoap-nic-res
        opt-mmsoap-lv-res requires mmsoap-vg-res
        opt-mmsoap-mnt-res requires opt-mmsoap-lv-res
        var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res requires mmsoap-vg-res
        var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res requires var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res

        // resource dependency tree
        //      group mmsoap-rg
        //      {
        //      SicapApplication mmsoap-app-res
        //          {
        //          IP mmsoap-lh-res
        //              {
        //              NIC mmsoap-nic-res
        //              }
        //          Mount opt-mmsoap-mnt-res
        //              {
        //              LVMLogicalVolume opt-mmsoap-lv-res
        //                  {
        //                  LVMVolumeGroup mmsoap-vg-res
        //                  }
        //              }
        //          Mount var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res
        //              {
        //              LVMLogicalVolume var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res
        //                  {
        //                  LVMVolumeGroup mmsoap-vg-res
        //                  }
        //              }
        //          }
        //      }


group smppc-rg (
        SystemList = { lpdmc1p = 0, lpdmc2p = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { lpdmc1p, lpdmc2p }

        IP smppc-lh-res (
                Device = bond0
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        LVMLogicalVolume opt-smppc-lv-res (
                VolumeGroup = smppc-vg
                LogicalVolume = opt-smppc-lv

        LVMLogicalVolume var-opt-smppc-lv-res (
                VolumeGroup = smppc-vg
                LogicalVolume = var-opt-smppc-lv

        LVMVolumeGroup smppc-vg-res (
                VolumeGroup = smppc-vg
                EnableLVMTagging = 1

        Mount opt-smppc-mnt-res (
                MountOpt = "rw,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev"
                FsckOpt = "-y"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/smppc--vg-opt--smppc--lv"
                MountPoint = "/opt/smppc"
                FSType = ext3

        Mount var-opt-smppc-mnt-res (
                MountOpt = "rw,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev"
                FsckOpt = "-y"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/smppc--vg-var--opt--smppc--lv"
                MountPoint = "/var/opt/smppc"
                FSType = ext3

        NIC smppc-nic-res (
                Device = bond0

        SicapApplication smppc-app-res (
                AppUser = smppc

        requires group mmg-rg online global firm
        opt-smppc-lv-res requires smppc-vg-res
        opt-smppc-mnt-res requires opt-smppc-lv-res
        smppc-app-res requires opt-smppc-mnt-res
        smppc-app-res requires smppc-lh-res
        smppc-app-res requires var-opt-smppc-mnt-res
        smppc-lh-res requires smppc-nic-res
        var-opt-smppc-lv-res requires smppc-vg-res
        var-opt-smppc-mnt-res requires var-opt-smppc-lv-res

        // resource dependency tree
        //      group smppc-rg
        //      {
        //      SicapApplication smppc-app-res
        //          {
        //          Mount opt-smppc-mnt-res
        //              {
        //              LVMLogicalVolume opt-smppc-lv-res
        //                  {
        //                  LVMVolumeGroup smppc-vg-res
        //                  }
        //              }
        //          IP smppc-lh-res
        //              {
        //              NIC smppc-nic-res
        //              }
        //          Mount var-opt-smppc-mnt-res
        //              {
        //              LVMLogicalVolume var-opt-smppc-lv-res
        //                  {
        //                  LVMVolumeGroup smppc-vg-res
        //                  }
        //              }
        //          }
        //      }




The state of its resources:

#Resource     Attribute             System     Value
mmsoap-lh-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
mmsoap-lh-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

opt-mmsoap-lv-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
opt-mmsoap-lv-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

mmsoap-vg-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
mmsoap-vg-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

opt-mmsoap-mnt-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
opt-mmsoap-mnt-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

mmsoap-nic-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
mmsoap-nic-res State                 lpdmc2p    ONLINE

mmsoap-app-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
mmsoap-app-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

smppc-lh-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
smppc-lh-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

opt-smppc-lv-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
opt-smppc-lv-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

var-opt-smppc-lv-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
var-opt-smppc-lv-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

smppc-vg-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
smppc-vg-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

opt-smppc-mnt-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
opt-smppc-mnt-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

var-opt-smppc-mnt-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
var-opt-smppc-mnt-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

smppc-nic-res State                 lpdmc1p    ONLINE
smppc-nic-res State                 lpdmc2p    ONLINE

smppc-app-res State                 lpdmc1p    OFFLINE
smppc-app-res State                 lpdmc2p    OFFLINE

In the engine log I had the following messages related to them:

2016/04/05 02:27:45 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10181 Group mmsoap-rg AutoRestart set to 1
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource mmsoap-lh-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is offline on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource opt-mmsoap-lv-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group mmsoap-rg on all nodes
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS INFO V-16-1-10297 Resource var-opt-mmsoap-lv-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group mmsoap-rg on all nodes
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is offline on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:46 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is offline on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:47 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource mmsoap-app-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is offline on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:48 VCS INFO V-16-1-10304 Resource mmsoap-vg-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is offline on lpdmc1p (First probe)
2016/04/05 02:27:48 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10438 Group mmsoap-rg has been probed on system lpdmc1p


if I manually onlined the group that was OK but I had to separately online both:

2016/04/05 05:58:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hagrp -online -any smppc-rg  localclus  from localhost
2016/04/05 05:58:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource smppc-lh-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:58:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource smppc-vg-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:58:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource opt-smppc-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:58:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource var-opt-smppc-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:58:04 VCS ERROR V-16-10031-14001 (lpdmc1p) LVMVolumeGroup:smppc-vg-res:online:Activation of volume group failed.
2016/04/05 05:58:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource opt-smppc-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:58:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource var-opt-smppc-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:58:06 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource smppc-vg-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:58:16 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource smppc-lh-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:58:16 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource smppc-app-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:58:16 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Running preonline for resource smppc-app-res
2016/04/05 05:58:16 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Preonline for resource smppc-app-res finished
2016/04/05 05:58:16 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Starting resource smppc-app-res
2016/04/05 05:58:21 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Resource smppc-app-res is started
2016/04/05 05:58:34 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource smppc-app-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: smppc-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:58:34 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group smppc-rg is online on system lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:59:52 VCS INFO V-16-1-50135 User root fired command: hagrp -online -any mmsoap-rg  localclus  from localhost
2016/04/05 05:59:52 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource mmsoap-lh-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:59:52 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource mmsoap-vg-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:59:52 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:59:52 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 05:59:53 VCS ERROR V-16-10031-14001 (lpdmc1p) LVMVolumeGroup:mmsoap-vg-res:online:Activation of volume group failed.
2016/04/05 05:59:53 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:59:53 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource var-opt-mmsoap-mnt-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 05:59:54 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource mmsoap-vg-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 06:00:02 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource mmsoap-lh-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 06:00:02 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10301 Initiating Online of Resource mmsoap-app-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) on System lpdmc1p
2016/04/05 06:00:02 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Running preonline for resource mmsoap-app-res
2016/04/05 06:00:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Preonline for resource mmsoap-app-res finished
2016/04/05 06:00:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Starting resource mmsoap-app-res
2016/04/05 06:00:09 VCS INFO V-16-1-0 (lpdmc1p) SicapApplication:???:???:Resource mmsoap-app-res is started
2016/04/05 06:00:21 VCS INFO V-16-1-10298 Resource mmsoap-app-res (Owner: Unspecified, Group: mmsoap-rg) is online on lpdmc1p (VCS initiated)
2016/04/05 06:00:21 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group mmsoap-rg is online on system lpdmc1p


What can I do to have this service started automatically in such a case when the HB is lost and the nodes are rebooted due to fencing panic?

Thank you in advance,


  • You need to create a DiskReservation resource and this should online first (make the LVMVolumeGroup resource dependent on the DiskReservation resource).


    Please refer

    for detials.
