VCS 5.0 MP4 on RHEL 5.5 64bit
Hi to all,
we have installed vcs 5.0 MP4 on 5.5 64bit.
The storage is an IBM DS3000. We have RDAC as multipaths controller, so we have only a device path for any lun ( sdX, sdY, etc ).
We would like to use LVM so we would know if there are problem to use VCS 5.0MP4 with LVM and IBM RDAC.
Thanks in advance,
Vincenzo says:
Configuration of Linux RHEL5 LVM and native Multi-pathing is not supported by VCS.
If SAN LUN multipathing is a requirement for the VCS cluster, the recommedation is to migrate LVM data to VxVM 5.1 with its bundled DMP multipathing or use other VxVM compatible third party (TPD) multipathing software (e.g. EMC PowerPath).
But I cannot find a list of "compatible third party (TPD) multipathing software" that is supported.
Looking at the HCL ( this has the information for AIX, but I can't find for Linux. So for AIX the HCL says
The VCS LVM agent supports the EMC PowerPath third-party driver on EMC's Symmetrix 8000 and DMX series arrays.The VCS LVM agent supports the IBM MPIO third-party driver on IBM's DS8000 arrays.The VCS LVM agent supports the IBM SDD third-party driver on IBM's ESS750/800 and DS8000 arrays.The VCS LVM agent supports the HITACHI HDLM third-party driver on Hitachi USP/NSC/USPV/USPVM, 9900V series arrays.I would contact Symantec support and ask where this information is for Linux.Mike