Forum Discussion

sclind's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

VCS ERROR V-16-10031-9512 (inactive_nodename) Process:<myprocess> Process does not exist

I have a process resource on my system that is operating fine except for the fact that it logs this message in engine_A.log every five minutes:

VCS ERROR V-16-10031-9512 (inactive_nodename) Process:[myprocess]:monitor:Process[myprocess] does not exist.

Why would VCS even be looking for the process on the inactive node?

Here is the status of the resource:

                myprocess               active_node     ONLINE
                myprocess               inactive_node  OFFLINE
                myprocess               inactive_node        |STATE UNKNOWN|

  • As in earlier post, if there is a graceful way to shutdown cdpmg, rather than just killing process, then use Application agent, else I would advice logging a Support call with Symantec.


  • As in earlier post, if there is a graceful way to shutdown cdpmg, rather than just killing process, then use Application agent, else I would advice logging a Support call with Symantec.


  • Mike - thanks for the info.  This was all setup by a consultant; I'll have to read up on the differences between a process agent and an application agent.  Unfortunately now that this is production opportunities to modify it are extremely limited.

  • sclind,

    What is the output if you run:

    # hares -display CDproc -attribute State
    # ps -ef |grep cdpmgr  ### from both good and bad nodes

    From your earlier reply ( )

            Process CDproc (
                    Critical = 0
                    PathName = "/connect_direct/ndm/bin/cdpmgr"
                    Arguments = "/connect_direct/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /connect_direct/ndm/cfg/aucdirect/initparm.cfg"

    The Arguments attribute should be the arguments that are passed to the binary, ie: if your full command is

    /connect_direct/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /connect_direct/ndm/cfg/aucdirect/initparm.cfg

    the value for Arguments should be "-i /connect_direct/ndm/cfg/aucdirect/initparm.cfg" (ie: should not include the pathname)

    Note: UNKNOWN means VCS cannot determine the state of the process; ie: the Monitor entry point (which "Checks to see if the process is running by scanning the process table for the name of the executable pathname and argument list") is not getting the expected output. If the Arguments attribute is not configured correctly this may be causing/contributing to the issue.

    Also, is this a Solaris system?

    From Process online entry point (5.0MP3, but same limitation would apply to 5.1 if Solaris)

    # If the command + argument length happens to be greater than or equal to 78
    # characters we can have a problem.  Current implementations of the solaris ps
    # utility and proc file structures terminate the command + argument string
    # at the 80 characters.  This could cause a problem if two process resources
    # had the same first 78 characters or more , i.e. say they had very long identical
    # paths to execution and similar initial arguments. In such a case there is no
    # way for the monitor script to know the true identity of the process being
    # executed.  Hence the warning message.
    if ($Cmdlength >= 78){
    VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("W", "Command length is greater than 78 characters. This might pose potential monitoring problems.", 9001);