Forum Discussion

Mark_Davies's avatar
13 years ago

VCS Warning errors in IPMultiNICB


I am using VCS5.1 SP1 on two Solaris 10 servers with a Solaris 9 container as a service.  I have three networks on the physical hosts using link based ip and then through VCS setting the cluster to ip the three networks onto the Solaris 9 container.

I am receiving the following errors every 30 seconds in the IPMultiNICB logs:

2012/02/08 15:09:03 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-6559 IPMultiNICB:ipb_backup:monitor:Unknown Protocol () type. Set Protocol to default (IPv4).
2012/02/08 15:09:04 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-6559 IPMultiNICB:ipb_ukcsn:monitor:Unknown Protocol () type. Set Protocol to default (IPv4).
2012/02/08 15:09:04 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-6559 IPMultiNICB:ipb_prod:monitor:Unknown Protocol () type. Set Protocol to default (IPv4).

Here is what is set in the file for each MultiNICB resource and IPMultiNICB resource and types file entries:

IPMultiNICB ipb_backup (
                Critical = 0
                BaseResName = mnb_backup
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        IPMultiNICB ipb_prod (
                Critical = 0
                BaseResName = mnb_prod
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""

        IPMultiNICB ipb_ukcsn (
                Critical = 0
                BaseResName = mnb_ukcsn
                Address @ecsclapmanu001 = ""
                Address @ecscscomanu001 = ""
                NetMask = ""

 MultiNICB mnb_backup (
                Critical = 0
                UseMpathd = 1
                ConfigCheck = 0
                Device = { nxge2 = 0, nxge6 = 0 }
                GroupName = backup

        MultiNICB mnb_prod (
                Critical = 0
                UseMpathd = 1
                ConfigCheck = 0
                Device = { nxge0 = 0, nxge4 = 0 }
                GroupName = prod

        MultiNICB mnb_ukcsn (
                Critical = 0
                UseMpathd = 1
                ConfigCheck = 0
                Device = { nxge1 = 0, nxge5 = 0 }
                GroupName = ukcsn

type IPMultiNICB (
        static int MonitorInterval = 30
        static int OnlineRetryLimit = 1
        static int ToleranceLimit = 1
        static str ArgList[] = { BaseResName, Address, NetMask, DeviceChoice, RouteOptions, PrefixLen, IgnoreMultiNICBFailure, "BaseResName:Protocol", Option
s }
        static int ContainerOpts{} = { RunInContainer=0, PassCInfo=1 }
        str BaseResName
        str Address
        str NetMask
        str DeviceChoice = 0
        str RouteOptions
        int PrefixLen
        int IgnoreMultiNICBFailure
        str Options

type MultiNICB (
        static int MonitorInterval = 10
        static int OfflineMonitorInterval = 60
        static str ArgList[] = { UseMpathd, MpathdCommand, ConfigCheck, MpathdRestart, Device, NetworkHosts, LinkTestRatio, IgnoreLinkStatus, NetworkTimeout,
 OnlineTestRepeatCount, OfflineTestRepeatCount, NoBroadcast, DefaultRouter, Failback, GroupName, Protocol }
        static str Operations = None
        int UseMpathd
        str MpathdCommand = "/usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd"
        int ConfigCheck = 1
        int MpathdRestart = 1
        str Device{}
        str NetworkHosts[]
        int LinkTestRatio = 1
        int IgnoreLinkStatus = 1
        int NetworkTimeout = 100
        int OnlineTestRepeatCount = 3
        int OfflineTestRepeatCount = 3
        int NoBroadcast
        str DefaultRouter = ""
        int Failback
        str GroupName
        str Protocol = IPv4

Can anyone recommend a solution - the ip addresses are up.


Mark Davies

  • Are you able to run "ha" commands from local zone without been prompted for a password - this file is normally needed so you have permissions to run VCS commands from an essentially unauthorised node.

    Also just making sure you noticed the file has a dot at front, so obvioulsly need to use "ls -a" to list and that this should be in roots home directory (normally /root)

    I believe the permissions work differently in VCS 6.0, so maybe Symantec brought them in early so work differently from 5.1SP1


  • Mike,

    How strange ! I have restarted VCS and the I am no longer seeing the errors  and the hares -display is now showing the correct IPv4 !

    bash-3.2# hares -display ipb_prod
    #Resource    Attribute              System         Value
    ipb_prod     Group                  global         MGX1P
    ipb_prod     Type                   global         IPMultiNICB
    ipb_prod     AutoStart              global         1
    ipb_prod     Critical               global         0
    ipb_prod     Enabled                global         1
    ipb_prod     LastOnline             global         ecsclapmanu001
    ipb_prod     MonitorOnly            global         0
    ipb_prod     ResourceOwner          global
    ipb_prod     TriggerEvent           global         0
    ipb_prod     ArgListValues          ecsclapmanu001 BaseResName  1       mnb_prod        Address 1       NetMask 1   DeviceChoice    1       0       RouteOptions    1       ""      PrefixLen       1       0       IgnoreMultiNICBFailure  1       0       BaseResName:Protocol    1       IPv4    Options 1       ""
    ipb_prod     ArgListValues          ecscscomanu001 BaseResName  1       mnb_prod        Address 1       NetMask 1   DeviceChoice    1       0       RouteOptions    1       ""      PrefixLen       1       0       IgnoreMultiNICBFailure  1       0       BaseResName:Protocol    1       IPv4    Options 1       ""
    ipb_prod     ConfidenceLevel        ecsclapmanu001 0
    ipb_prod     ConfidenceLevel        ecscscomanu001 0
    ipb_prod     ConfidenceMsg          ecsclapmanu001
    ipb_prod     ConfidenceMsg          ecscscomanu001
    ipb_prod     Flags                  ecsclapmanu001
    ipb_prod     Flags                  ecscscomanu001
    ipb_prod     IState                 ecsclapmanu001 not waiting
    ipb_prod     IState                 ecscscomanu001 not waiting
    ipb_prod     MonitorMethod          ecsclapmanu001 Traditional
    ipb_prod     MonitorMethod          ecscscomanu001 Traditional
    ipb_prod     Probed                 ecsclapmanu001 1
    ipb_prod     Probed                 ecscscomanu001 1
    ipb_prod     Start                  ecsclapmanu001 1
    ipb_prod     Start                  ecscscomanu001 0
    ipb_prod     State                  ecsclapmanu001 ONLINE
    ipb_prod     State                  ecscscomanu001 OFFLINE
    ipb_prod     Address                global
    ipb_prod     BaseResName            global         mnb_prod
    ipb_prod     ComputeStats           global         0
    ipb_prod     DeviceChoice           global         0
    ipb_prod     IgnoreMultiNICBFailure global         0
    ipb_prod     NetMask                global
    ipb_prod     Options                global
    ipb_prod     PrefixLen              global         0
    ipb_prod     ResourceInfo           global         State        Valid   Msg             TS
    ipb_prod     RouteOptions           global
    ipb_prod     TriggerResStateChange  global         0
    ipb_prod     ContainerInfo          ecsclapmanu001 Type Zone    Name    ebs-manu51prod  Enabled 1
    ipb_prod     ContainerInfo          ecscscomanu001 Type Zone    Name    ebs-manu51prod  Enabled 1
    ipb_prod     MonitorTimeStats       ecsclapmanu001 Avg  0       TS
    ipb_prod     MonitorTimeStats       ecscscomanu001 Avg  0       TS

  • Mark,

    So presumebly this means ha commands don't work then from the local zone

    To fix:

    First make sure local zone can resolve the global zone by name - if it can't at the moment, this is why you won't have a .vcspwd file.

    Then bounce zone resource in VCS and when zone resource onlines it should create the .vcspwd file and you should be able to run ha commands from the local zone.


  • Do you have a .vcspwd file now and are ha commands working from local zone.


  • Hi Miek,

    I have put the servers ip addresses into the local zone and proved I can ping the addresses.  I have managed to bounce the zone, but I am still not getting that file.



  • Are you able to run "ha" commands from local zone without been prompted for a password - this file is normally needed so you have permissions to run VCS commands from an essentially unauthorised node.

    Also just making sure you noticed the file has a dot at front, so obvioulsly need to use "ls -a" to list and that this should be in roots home directory (normally /root)

    I believe the permissions work differently in VCS 6.0, so maybe Symantec brought them in early so work differently from 5.1SP1
