15 years agoLevel 4
Zone Cluster in VCS
I have 2 systems Node1 and Node2 running VCS5.1 MP1 with solaris10_u8. I want to configure an oracle database in solaris zone which is able to failover to other node. Current Configuration is as following
The Zone root is on shared storage zonedg. And the zone is able to start on both the systems node1 and node2 when the zonedg ( zoneroot) is switched over. Now i do not know how to configure
the zone under VCS control with hazonesetup
V-16-34-1100 Usage: /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hazonesetup <SG> <res> <Zone> <passwd> <autostart> <Systems>
What will be the SG, res ? here ?
node2:/>hagrp -state zoneSG
The Zone root is on shared storage zonedg. And the zone is able to start on both the systems node1 and node2 when the zonedg ( zoneroot) is switched over. Now i do not know how to configure
the zone under VCS control with hazonesetup
V-16-34-1100 Usage: /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hazonesetup <SG> <res> <Zone> <passwd> <autostart> <Systems>
What will be the SG, res ? here ?
node2:/>hagrp -state zoneSG
#Group Attribute System Value
zoneSG State node1 |OFFLINE|
zoneSG State node2 |ONLINE|
node2:/>zoneadm list -cv
0 global running / native shared
1 zone1 running /zone1 native shared
node2:/>hares -state | grep zone
zoneDG State node1 OFFLINE
zoneDG State node2 ONLINE
zoneDataMNT State node1 OFFLINE
zoneDataMNT State node2 ONLINE
zoneDataVOL State node1 OFFLINE
zoneDataVOL State node2 ONLINE
zoneRootMNT State node1 OFFLINE
zoneRootMNT State node2 ONLINE
zoneRootVOL State node1 OFFLINE
zoneRootVOL State node2 ONLINE
node2:/>df -h | grep vx
swap 13G 0K 13G 0% /dev/vx/dmp
swap 13G 0K 13G 0% /dev/vx/rdmp
/dev/vx/dsk/zonedg/vol1 10G 20M 9.4G 1% /vol1
/dev/vx/dsk/zonedg/zonevol 7.0G 190M 6.4G 3% /zone1
- For monitoring applications in the zone, VCS requires to run HA commands from the zone as zone root.
After you ran hazonesetup, there would be a zone username created. You will need to authenticate these users from the zone.
Please do the following:
Login to the local zone:
globalzone # zlogin localzone
Set the environment variable:
localzone # VCS_HOST=<hostname of global zone>
localzone # export VCS_HOST
login to the VCS engine from localzone:
localzone # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/halogin <username> <password>
The username can be found in the main.cf file for the service group and password is the one that you entered while running hazonesetup
Check and verify if the following files are created in localzone:
localzone # ls -l ~/.vcspwd
localzone # ls -l /etc/VRTSvcs/.vcshost
Probe or online the resources and it should work this time.
Kunal Parmar