11 years agoLevel 3
Compliance Accelerator - Adding phrases with wildcards to Hotwords
As per the administrator's guide for Compliance Accelerator, one must use double quotation marks when adding phrases to hotwords. Can I use wildcard words when adding a phrase to the hotwords?
For example if I want to add the following phrase to the list of hotwords: a comp* word
If yes, then how would I do it?
Yes, you can use a wildcard in a phrase:
You can append a wildcard character to the end of the word or phrase to represent other characters. An asterisk (*) represents zero or more characters, and a question mark (?) represents exactly one character. For example, the hotword commodit* matches both "commodity" and "commodities".
Adding hotwords
Article:HOWTO107584 | Created: 2015-01-09 | Updated: 2015-01-09 | Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO107584