Forum Discussion

Old_Dog_New_Tri's avatar
16 years ago

Compliance Accelerator - End Users Forum

Done a lot of looking, and it appears this forum is mainly used by the IT folks rather than the end user actually running and reviewing Compliance Accelerator searches. 


As setting up the product and using it (CA) are obviously two very seperate things, is there a specific forum for End Users to discuss questions/issues? 


  • Old Dog,


    Yes the forums are mostly used by IT people but who better to answer your questions on the product.

    Also remember that the forums are also monitored by Symantec employees so if one of the end uers can help you the Symantec employees who are on the site will be able to help you.



  • Old Dog,


    Yes the forums are mostly used by IT people but who better to answer your questions on the product.

    Also remember that the forums are also monitored by Symantec employees so if one of the end uers can help you the Symantec employees who are on the site will be able to help you.