Forum Discussion

reachmitra's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Report for items reviewed by a reviewer in CA

Hi ,

I have a requirement to prepare a report on total no of items reviewed, pending and questioned for one employee in compliance accelerator.

I checked the inbuilt CA report " Evidence of exchange(internal) review by employee " , but it displays all the columns as "0".

Later, I came to know that CA report only displays messages from random sampling and not from immediate or scheduled searches and review.


Is there any otherway to get this report?

  • I would recommend you post this in the Ideas section. Then others can vote up the idea and give Symantec an indication of just how many customers would like to see this report.




    You are going to see this request more and more.  We, your customers, need this report as reachmitra has indicated.

    Thank you.

  • I would recommend you post this in the Ideas section. Then others can vote up the idea and give Symantec an indication of just how many customers would like to see this report.



  • In addition to Tony's advice, you can contract with one of our partners to have a custom report created for you to use until such time as we are able to provide an alternate means for you to create your own reports.  I'm not at liberty to say anything more on this other than we are working on improving our CA and DA reporting capability to make it easier for our end customers to write their own reports.

  • Thank you.  I didn't realize that was the way to suggest such.  Reachmitra, it looks like something similar to what we want has been suggested and you should vote for it:

    I voted for it and my suggestion is that you do, too.