12 years agoLevel 3
We are working on creating a custom report that will help us determine the following per Employee in a Department in Compliance Accelerator.
1) Total Number of Lexicon Items Flagged
2) Total Number of Random Sample Items Flagged
3) Total Number of Items with Unreviewed Status
4) Total Number of Items with Pending Status
5) Total Number of Items with Questioned Status
The tblIntDiscoveredItems contains the above information at Department level, We are looking for the SQL table or the key that needs to be used which will help us determine the above information in Employee level.
Any help in determining this information in Employee level will be appreciated.
- Table tblPrincipal contains the PrincipalName - which is the Display Name - of each Monitored Employee. Each Monitored Employee has an AddressOwnerID in that table that relates to the employee's SMTP address or addresses in the tblAddress table. The Display Name or SMTP address(es) for each Monitored Employee can be used to look in the tblIntDiscoveredItems table's Author or Recipient columns to locate messages to or from each Monitored Employee. Does that help?