Forum Discussion

nirender's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Using OData and Browsers concerns

So when I started looking at using OData all looked really good.  However I am seeing some issues now.  If I request data for all departments


It returns information just for department 15 in customerID 15


I deleted the browser cache and even entered the query in a browser on another desktop that I have never used but still get the same result.

Anyone seen this?


Nirender Aggarwal

  • Hi Nirender,

    I just try it on my CA and that's OK, I have all Departments for my Customer, I do it with Excel "Power Query > From Other Sources > From OData Feed" and I have three differents DepartmentsID in the result.
    Have you try with a different CustomerID ?
    Youy can use this query for have a liste of your CustomerID :
