8 years agoLevel 3
Using OData and Browsers concerns
So when I started looking at using OData all looked really good. However I am seeing some issues now. If I request data for all departments
It returns information just for department 15 in customerID 15
{ "odata.metadata":"http://ushouxevca01v/CAReporting/OData/$metadata#Departments","value":[ { "CustomerID":15,"DepartmentID":15,"DepartmentName":"ABC1233","Status":"Open","CreatedDate":"2016-11-03T11:44:24.163","ModifiedDate":"2017-11-13T11:33:05.297" } ] }
I deleted the browser cache and even entered the query in a browser on another desktop that I have never used but still get the same result.
Anyone seen this?
Nirender Aggarwal