Does anyone know of a document or instruction sheet for Dqlexec.exe?
In a command window we receive limited syntax -
qlexec [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Show help message
-q, --query <query> DQL query
-f, --file <path> File containing DQL query
-p, --path <path> Path containing bulk input files
-o, --outdb Output DB
-i, --runas <user@domain> Runas user
-m, --merge <dir> Merge DQL outputs
-c, --check-syntax Check query syntax only
-s, --use-stdout Print logs to standard output
-a, --schema Generate output db schema
--make-queue Create a workqueue for future workers
--worker Process items from workqueue
Example usage:
To execute DQL query:
dqlexec -q <query> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain>
To execute DQL query contained in a file:
dqlexec -f <file> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain>
To execute DQL query having "IN FILE()" clause:
dqlexec -q <query> -p <path> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain>
To merge partial DQL outputs:
dqlexec -q <query> -m <dir> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain>
To merge partial DQL outputs having "IN FILE()" clause:
dqlexec -q <query> -p <path> -m <dir> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain>
To simply check syntax of a DQL query:
dqlexec -q <query> -c
To generate an empty db from a DQL query:
dqlexec -q <query> -o <outdb> -i <user@domain> -a
Questions arise about the values to use for the <options> formatting and usage and I am trying to find any further documentation as all searches of documents or Veritas online fail to return the desired outcome.
I am looking to perform testing with valid input.
Thank you