Forum Discussion

jjesse's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Error -- # of files in indexer is constantly above threshold

Running Data Insight 5.0 and one my management server I am receiving the following notificaiton: "The # of files in indexer/err is constantly above threshold."  Can someone help me out?  Doing a google search showed up in issue in a previous version of DI but didn't mention how to fix it.


Can someone help me out?




  • Hi Jonathan,

    Files get into the error folder for a lot of reasons.  However, once they are there they do not get automatically removed.  You will need to determine why they are getting put in the err folder, fix that issue and then move the files out of the err folder to the inbox to see if they get ingested without errors.

    You can check the watchdog log to see to see if it reports anything around the time that files were added to the err folder.  One big item that comes up is temporarily running out of storage space.  The watchdog log will show if you are running out of storage or a different resource while process the files or if there is something else going on.

    You can also open a case with Technical Support and we will be happy to assist you with this issue.

    Thank you,
