Forum Discussion

SyedIbrahim's avatar
9 years ago

Cant use DLO agent


As i am new to the DLO, I installed DLO server and configured perfectly.

I installed Agent on one computer in my domain.

I created 2 user in DLO server of my domain.

When i tried to login as user A at my client PC i am able to use DLO agent perfectly,But when i am logged in with different user account B i am not able to use DLO agent properly.

Attached is the Pop Up message i am geeting,Tried entring administrator account user detail for that domain as well as the logged in account details but cant access.

  • If you check the DLOClientu.Log on the client machine it would give you the exact reason why it's not able to connect with the second user.

    Log Location (C:\users\<username>\appdata\local\symantec\DLO\.settings)

    Attach the file to see if it's showing any relevent error why it's not able to connect with the second user